-- --- What tables does the given procedure(s) update? -- declare @Procs table ( id int , depid int ) insert into @Procs (id) values (object_id('my_table')) -- add rows here -- add rows here -- de-nest these procs while 1 = 1 begin insert into @Procs (id,depid) select distinct sd.depid, sd.id from sysdepends sd inner join sysobjects so on sd.depid = so.id inner join @procs procs on procs.id = sd.id where sd.depid not in (Select id from @Procs) and (so.xtype <> 'u') if @@rowcount > 0 break end -- get a list of updated tables select distinct object_name(sd.id) as [ProcName], object_name(sd.depid) as [TableName] from sysdepends sd inner join @procs procs on procs.id = sd.id where resultObj = 1