DigitalKitty has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi all.

I recently upgraded my PostgreSQL install to version 8.2.6 (win32). After doing so, I installed the following modules (DBI was installed previously).

When attempting to connect to a database with DBD::Pg, the connection hung and only by pressing Ctrl-C was I able to terminate the program.

Assuming something might be wrong with the module, I tried DBD::PgPP in a very simple test script (please see below):
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use DBI; my $db = DBI->connect('dbi:PgPP:testdb', 'postgres', 'xxxxxxxxx'); if( $db ) { print "Connected!\n"; } else { print "Nope. Sorry.\n"; }

After doing so, I immediately noticed the following message:
C:\Perl2\bin>perl DBI connect('testdb','postgres',...) failed: Couldn't connect to /tmp/ +.s.PGSQL.5432: at C:/Perl2/site/lib/DBD/ line 124 at test_pg.p +l line 5

Is there a configuration setting I need to modify? For testing purposes, I was able to connect to the database with both python and ruby.

