File input and output is not much of a stretch from normal I/O. Basically you have to use the open command to open a filestream and then read to and write from it. Then once you're done with it you use close to close the file. The syntax for opening a file is:


This opens a new filehandle with the name of FILEHANDLE, and associates it with filename which is the location of the file on your disk. This works for reading a file. If you want to write to it you need to put a > in front of the filename as seen below:


To append to a file you use >> in front of the filename as you can see here:


Now for some quick examples:
open(FILE, "data.txt"); #opens data.txt in read-mode while(<FILE>){ #reads line by line from FILE which i +s the filehandle for data.txt chomp; print "Saw $_ in data.txt\n"; #shows you what we have read } close FILE; #close the file.

To print stuff to a file you merely through a line into your program like:

print FILEHANDLE "your text here\n";

FILEHANDLE needs to be a FILEHANDLE you currently have open. Notice there is no comma between the FILEHANDLE and the stuff your printing out. That is the way it needs to be. Now for a more extended example:
open FILE, ">keylogger.dat"; #opens file to be written to while(<>){ #while we're getting input from the keyb +oard print FILE $_; #write it to our file } close FILE; #then close our file.

Another thing you might want to look into are the filetest operators these allow you to do things like test whether a file exists, is readable, is writable among other things. complete information look at the documentation