in reply to Code Highlighting in the code tag

This is from Vim. I just went:

:ru! syntax/2html.vim

Note that it doesn't handle [] constructs; it could easily be made to do so by adding to the 2html.vim file. I've also used perltidy to make HTML; it too would have to be post-filtered.

package XX;

sub _create_accessors
    my %orderObjectFields = @_;

    foreach my $field ( keys %orderObjectFields )
        my $default = $orderObjectFields{$field};
        no strict 'refs';
        *{ __PACKAGE__ . "::$field" } = sub
            my $value =
              ( scalar @_ > 1 ? $_<span style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><font color="#ff00ff">0</font></span>->{$field} = $_<span style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><font color="#ff00ff">1</font></span> : $_<span style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><font color="#ff00ff">0</font></span>->{$field} );
            $value = $default unless defined $value;