2 Robotwars videos 1 multi-pc controller 1 vinyl techno record (roy cordu) 3 ivitations for far too expensive symosia about 13 o'reilly books (perl and other) 1 sun java servlet book 1 java in a nutshell 1 how to become a pirate handbook 1 TPJ 2 speakers 12 unsorted floppies 4 cut-out redmeat construction set comics 1 half-filled plate 2 half-filled glasses 1 half-filled coffee mug 1 empty cd-r 1 cd-r with upsetters mp3s 1 "rap band" portable rhytm toy 2 juggling balls 1 very old photo camera 1 thirsty and dusty plant 4 piles of unsorted print-outs 2 working pens several non-working pens 2 empty agendas 2 boxes of unused business cards 1 'phone operator' headphone 1 CBM64 basic handbook 5 notes with importand passwords :-) #### -- Joost downtime n. The period during which a system is error-free and immune from user input.