my $b = Board->fetch(board => "perl-examples"); my ($subject, $message) = $b->get_post( user => $u, post_id => 42 ) or die "$u cannot get"; $b->new_post( user => $u, subject => "hi", message => "print 'hello world'" ) or die "$u cannot new"; $b->set_post( user => $u, post_id => 42, subject => "42", message => "is the answer" ) or die "$u cannot set"; #### my $b = Board->fetch(board => "perl-examples"); my $get = $b->can_get or die "cannot get"; my $new = $b->can_new or die "cannot new"; my $set = $b->can_set or die "cannot set"; $get->(post_id = 42); $new->(subject => 'hi', message => "print 'hello world'"); $set->(post_id => 42, subject => "42", message => "is the answer");