aseee has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I have a file in which

ID AaaI ET R2 AC RB00001; OS Acetobacter aceti ss aceti PT XmaIII RS CGGCCG, 1; CR . RN [1] RA Tagami H., Tayama K., Tohyama T., Fukaya M., Okumura H., Kawamura + Y., RA Horinouchi S., Beppu T.; RL FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 56:161-166(1988). //

patterns repeats itself hundred of times. What I want is to store the AaaI in Id column, R2 in ET column, RB00001 in AC, Acetobacter aceti ss aceti in OS column, XmaIII in PT column and CGGCCG in RS column of an database table.I know it it can be done in regular expression but I am unable to grep regular expression. Please also give some basic and advance links to tutorials of regular expression.