in reply to extracting words with certain characters

Update: Just had to make a correction for multiple matches on one line...

perl -ne 'while (/(\w*_\w*)/g) { print "$1\n";}' code_file(s)

You may want to change the regex to accept only names with a leading alpha character, or so it must contain at least one alpha character, or save the names into a hash to remove duplicates, so YMMV from what I've produced here...

Mapping into a hash using:

perl -ne 'BEGIN { my %hash; }; END { print map { "$_\n"} keys %hash} while (/(\w*_\w*)/g) { $hash{$1}=1};' code_file(s)

Gives all the unique names, e.g.

no_wait ZERO_TABLE_SIZE subpart_name segment_config __END__ skip_table_list rnc_dspp_dspresu range_end dry_run gp_partition_drop keep_empty ignore_table_list get_lock FULL_DATE_FORMAT get_summarised_days log_init tv_interval get_partition_row_count drop_agg_level table_name total_table_size keep_summarised summarisation_log DATE_FORMAT get_config MAX_CACHE_TIME lock_table skip_tables GPM_BIN day_count drop_daily_agg_level lock_attempt get_dbh get_drop_partition_list agg_level lock_type schema_name _ site_perl empty_only partition_name range_start drop_partition keep_unclassified time_zone pm_nsn_3g_ran row_count GPI_RECOVER_BACKLOG
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