crazy-duck has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Perlmonks,

Could please help me with the below situation... we have a logfile with below form of entries

**FAILED PROD** - BUGS - 08/26/13 @11:12 - BUGS~23AUG13~23AUG13~23AUG13~26AUG13~1109

**FAILED PROD** - cockroach - 08/29/13 @11:52 -cockroach~29AUG13~29AUG13~29AUG13~29AUG13~1152

we need to capture only those logfile entries that come between 6pm to 6am following day. Iam trying to read each line of the logfile into an array and again split components of each line into an another array to compare the time stamp between 18hrs to 6hrs. We need to read new entries in the logfile only Iam new to Perl, can any help on this.

Thank you cd