in reply to Re: Re: POD in 5 minutes
in thread POD in 5 minutes

From perlpod
L<name> A link (cross reference) to name L<name> manual page L<name/ident> item in manual page L<name/"sec"> section in other manual page L<"sec"> section in this manual page (the quotes are optional) L</"sec"> ditto same as above but only 'text' is used for output. (Text can not contain the characters '/' and '|', and should contain matched '<' or '>') L<text|name> L<text|name/ident> L<text|name/"sec"> L<text|"sec"> L<text|/"sec">
perlpodspec will be up updated to make support for L<link text|url> official, so to be on the safe side (with ye old modules), just use L<url> or don't use L at all cause pod2html will autolink it.

Now, what pod2html will do is try to autolink C<=item functioname> if you use C<$foo-E<gt>method>.

Pod::Html will also try to autolink to any core perl functions and the like. This has nothing to do with pod, it's just extra fluff (i like it).

What everybody wants to do is use podchecker. You wanna lookout for "multiple link targets" warnings, like if you have =headN FOO twice.

MJD says you can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, retardo!
I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6x+5.8x. I take requests.
** The Third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy.