in reply to Perl::Critic and file types

If I felt as you do, I'd probably add a perlcritic check to my makes. But you could just use themes something like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Basename; my ( $DEFAULT, $PM_THEME, $PL_THEME, $T_THEME ) = qw( rir rir_large rir rir ); my %themes = ( '.t' => $T_THEME, '.pm' => $PM_THEME, '.pl' => $PL_THEME, ); my $file = pop @ARGV; my ( $name, $path, $suffix ) = fileparse( $file, qr{\.\w+} ); local $, = ' '; # forking could scale up better if ($suffix) { print `perlcritic @ARGV -theme $themes{$suffix} $file`; } else { # STDIN or unknown extension ( or anything else YYY? ) print `perlcritic @ARGV -theme $DEFAULT $file`; }
Be well,