in reply to x objects in y containers where all objects are used

Using one idea I took from The Oldest Plays the Piano by casiano, I wrote the following script that returns those 6 combinations:

#!perl use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; my $objects = "12345"; sub f { print join('|', @_) . "\n"; } $objects =~ /^(.+)(.+)(.+)$ (?{ f($1, $2, $3) }) (*FAIL) /x;
123|4|5 12|34|5 12|3|45 1|234|5 1|23|45 1|2|345

I don't think that this is a Diophantine equation, but it's still a freak way to solve this problem.

BTW, does the OP want other combinations like 13|24|5?