in reply to Cross-platform GUI for UNIX based scripts

«Any ideas are welcome»

OK, if so - and you want that your GUI looks really cool, please take a look at Flex as well as ActionScript.

IMHO this stuff has some benefits:

  1. Very easy handling of that asynchronous HTTP stuff
  2. Nice data binding concept
  3. ActionScript is how JavaScript should be: typification, class keyword, no need to use prototype. It is a nice language.
  4. Each class you create can have two incarnations: (M)XML and ActionScript code. This goes far beyond that "MarkUp for the Visual Things/Code For The Logic" approach. You can very easily do something similar to Code-Behind.
  5. If you do this and then think about doing some "micro MVC" stuff, things become interesting. Do the basic layout in MXML. Write your classes in ActionScript, based on <s:Group>. E.g. one containing a button, another a data grid for displaying your data and one with some of the XML list objects of Flex for the data and a http service for the fetch as a kind of delegate. A group doesn't listen for any events by default. edit: Bullshit, forgot my own cheated stuff ;-( So overwrite the built-in event dispatcher class see example below, define your custom events , build the listeners and the corresponding handlers, instantiate your AS classes as MXML and the fun begins...

(Simplified, i know...)

edit: Example:

package Events { /* +3-Tip-of-the-Day/page6 Note that addEventListener only takes functions as listeners, not +objects. Also remember that class methods are bound to their instances so w +hen used as listeners, 'this' in the event call still references the orginal c +lass instance no matter what object dispatched the event. By extending the EventDispatcher class or any class that inherits +from it like Sprite (all DisplayObjects are inherently EventDispatchers +), your class gains access to the EventDispatcher methods. Then, other instances (or the class instance itself) can add methods to instances of that class using addEventListener and in turn they can call those events through dispatchEvent. If there is some reason your class cannot inherit from the EventDi +spatcher class for example, if its already inheriting from another class w +hich does not inherit from EventDispatcher), then you can use the Event +Dispatcher constructor to intialize your class instance with the methods of E +ventDispatcher via aggregation (composition). Just make sure you implement the IEventDispatcher interface (flash*/ import; import; import; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; public class MyDispatcher implements IEventDispatcher { private var eventDispatcher:EventDispatcher; public function MyDispatcher() { trace("new " + getQualifiedClassName(this)); eventDispatcher=new EventDispatcher(this); } public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Functio +n, useCapture:Boolean=false, priority:int=0, useWeakReference:Boolean +=false):void { eventDispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener, useCaptur +e, priority, useWeakReference); } public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean { return eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); } public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean { return eventDispatcher.hasEventListener(type); } public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Func +tion, useCapture:Boolean=false):void { eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCap +ture); } public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean { return eventDispatcher.willTrigger(type); } } }
package Events { import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; public final class MyEventDispatcher extends MyDispatcher { private static var _instance:MyEventDispatcher; public function MyEventDispatcher(dummy:Dummy):void { super(); if (dummy === null) { throw new Error("Call CustomEventDispatcher as CustomE +ventDispatcher.instance!"); } } public static function get instance():MyEventDispatcher { if (_instance === null) { _instance=new MyEventDispatcher(new Dummy()); trace("new instance " + getQualifiedClassName(_instanc +e)); } trace("get instance " + getQualifiedClassName(_instance)); return _instance; } } } internal class Dummy { }

The price you have to pay for this: it's Shockwave/Flash :-(

OK, nobody is perfect.

You can do this stuff using vi or emacs or better use FlashBuilder, a tool based on Eclipse. Some free GUIs are around - i didn' use them yet.

Best regards, Karl

«The Crux of the Biscuit is the Apostrophe»

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Re^2: Cross-platform GUI for UNIX based scripts
by Anonymous Monk on May 24, 2013 at 14:56 UTC
    Hm nice idea. I was once developing within a group that created all the visual side in Flex. It does not seem to dfficult to learn. Thanks for the idea