jaandy has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a new daemon (using Proc::Daemon) that I'd like to sighup to get it to reload config, but no matter what I do, it kills the daemon.
I use:

$SIG{HUP} = sub { if (defined $log) { undef $log; } $log = IO::File->new(LOGFILE, 'w'); $log->print(strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime),": Caught HUP, +reset logfile\n"); $log->print("pid = $$\n"); $log->autoflush(1); };
I get the message in the log, but then my daemon dies. I've tried changing the code inside to something simpler, but it doesn't seem to matter. On the other hand $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE' works fine.

If I create a simple script it doesn't kill the program when I sighup it:

#!/usr/bin/perl $SIG{HUP} = sub { print "got hup\n"; }; while (1) { print "sleeping\n"; sleep(1); }

The searching I have done show's lots of examples of restarting the script, but I cannot find any that just reaload configs (well, perl daemons that reaload).

Is there something different about how sighup works on regular apps vs daemon apps?

Thanks for your time,

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Re: SIGHUP with Proc::Daemon
by Eliya (Vicar) on Mar 09, 2012 at 18:48 UTC
    I've tried changing the code inside to something simpler

    Have you tried setting just a (global) flag variable in the handler, and then doing the reloading elsewhere in the daemon code?  (presumably, you have some loop where you could check the flag...)

    Doing a lot of stuff directly in the signal handler sometimes isn't the best idea.

    To find out more about why it dies, you might want to attach strace (or the equivalent tool on your platform) to the daemon process before you send it the signal (strace -p <PID>).

      Unfortunately I don't think that will be possible. I'm using zeromq in my daemon so the main loop looks like:
      while (1) { my $msg = $sock->recv(); my $data = $msg->data(); unless ($csv->parse($data)) ... etc ... }

      The $sock->recv() blocks until there is a new message.

      Hum... I think I'll try putting zeromq into my simple test app. Maybe its not daemons stuff that's causing me problems, maybe its zeromq stuff. Thanks for the idea.

        Woot! Its zeromq stuff. My new test app:

        #!/usr/bin/perl use common::sense; use ZeroMQ ':all'; use Data::Dumper; my $ctx = ZeroMQ::Context->new(); my $sock = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PULL); $sock->setsockopt(ZMQ_HWM, 500); $sock->bind('tcp://*:5558'); $SIG{HUP} = sub { print "got hup\n"; }; while (1) { my $msg = $sock->recv(); print "got message\n"; print Dumper(\$msg); }

        after I sighup it, I get:
        got hup got message $VAR1 = \undef;

        In real code, I call $msg->data() next which when $msg is undef I can see that killing the script.

        Its kinda weird that SIGHUP makes $sock->recv() return, but at least I can code around that.

        thanks again,


        System calls that may take a "long time" (such as accept, recv, etc.) are normally interrupted by a signal, and in case resuming isn't handled automatically (some systems don't), it might well be the cause of the problem (e.g. subsequent code failing due to not having the expected data...)

        See also signal(7) (section "Interruption of System Calls")