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by brainpan (Monk)
on Sep 17, 2000 at 13:10 UTC ( [id://32859]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Pictured above: Observer, Observer and Observer (l to r).

27.11.2000: Now that I've risen to the level of monk the ugly truth can be told.

About my nick: no, it's not a typo for "brain pain", although that's not necessarily inapplicable. The name is a subtle reference to one of the best television programs that ever aired: the late great Mystery Science Theater 3000. Sadly, the sarcasm raised to an art form that was mst3k has been supplanted by programs with greater mass appeal. Those of you seeking enlightenment may still watch the movie, keeping in mind that the series was far better.

06.11.2000: This first ever update of my home node was prompted by my admission into our local Catherine Zeta Jones shrine, otherwise known as alakaboo's home node. Scroll down to the bottom (after you can't see CZJ's picture anymore) for the part that involves me.

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