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Perl: the Markov chain saw


by epoptai (Curate)
on Jan 08, 2001 at 14:31 UTC ( [id://50467]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility
Author/Contact Info epoptai
Description: MODULATOR is the promised rewrite of perlvars, please use it instead! This code is left here as an example of how messy things can get when not using strict ;^}

Perlvars lists useful environment variables and installed perl modules. Listed modules are linked to their pod documentation as html, or raw module source code if no pod is found. Configuration files are automatically created if not found in the current directory, and a control panel is provided to customize preferences. There's also a directory browser that can view (text, gif, jpg), edit (txt) and stat (all) files in the script dir.

Please excuse the lack of strict vars. This was written long before my education in good coding practices at perlmonks. A future re-write will bring it into compliance.

Update2: Considerable speed gained by caching the installed module list to an updateable data file. Added a module filter that allows excluding specified distributions from the module list.

Update1: Uses Pod::HTML correctly . Fixed problem with deeply nested modules. Html docs are now always generated directly from the module.

#!perl -l
# perlvars by epoptai
# thanks to japhy for


use strict qw(subs refs);
use CGI ':standard';
use Pod::Html;
use HTML::Entities;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions 'rel2abs';

$ltime= localtime();
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time
$url  = url();
$rurl = url(-relative=>'1');
$qurl = url(-path_info=>'1',-query=>'1');
($name= $rurl)=~s/(.*)\..*/$1/;
$cfg  = $name.'.cfg';
$dat  = $name.'.dat';
$path = $0;
$path =~ s/\/$rurl//o;


unless(eval "require '$dat'"){$nodat=1} else {$nodat=0}
unless(eval "require '$cfg'"){$init=1} else {$init=0}
if(($nodat==1) or ($init==1)){&install()} # find required data files o
+r install

if($IN::go eq 'perlmod'){&perlmod()}
if($IN::go eq 'perldoc'){&perldoc($IN::pm,$IN::title)}
if($IN::go eq 'restore default'){&install()}
if($IN::go eq 'save config'){&config_save();exit}
if($IN::go eq 'home'){ print "Location: $url\n\n"}
if($IN::go eq 'refresh'){ print "Location: $url?rd=1\n\n"}
if($IN::go eq 'update'){&updatedat();exit}
if($IN::go eq 'config'){&configure();exit}
if($IN::go eq ' ? '){&info();exit}
if($IN::go eq ' url '){&selfurls();exit}

if(($IN::file eq 'view') && ($IN::filename)){&view_file()}
if(($IN::file eq 'edit') && ($IN::filename)){&edit_file()}
if(($IN::file eq 'save') && ($IN::filename)){&save_file()}
if(($IN::file eq 'stat') && ($IN::filename)){&stat_file()}

if(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){&findmodules()}
if( ($IN::env eq '1') or ($show_env eq '1') ){
    foreach $key (keys(%ENV)){ unless($ENV{$key} eq '') {$envtotal++}}
    $check_env = ' checked';

+ksize,$blocks) = stat $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'};
if($IN::rd eq '1'){$check_rdir = ' checked'}

print header,start_html(-title=>'perlvars',-bgcolor=>"$bgc",-text=>"$b
<form method="get">
<p><TABLE BORDER="$tbd" CELLPADDING=3 cellspacing=1 WIDTH=100% align="
<tr BGCOLOR="$ta"><th colspan="2" align="left" valign="bottom"><big>
<table border="$tbd" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgc
if(($IN::env eq '1') or ($show_env eq '1')){
    <tr><td align="right"> <small><b>$envtotal</b> </td>
    <td> <small>Environment Variables </td></tr>
if(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){
    <tr><td align="right"> <font size="-1"><b>$modtotal</b> </td>
    <td> <small>Installed Modules </td></tr>
for(@INC){ if($_ eq '.'){ pop(@INC)}}

Perl Variables </small>

<input type="submit" name="go" value="config"> <input type="submit" na
+me="go" value=" ? ">
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb width=100><b>version</b></TD><TD bgcolor=$tc><tt>$
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb><b>executable</b></TD><TD bgcolor=$tc><tt>$^X</TD>
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb><b>INC</b> </TD><TD bgcolor=$tc><tt>

for(@INC){ print qq~<a href="file://$_">$_</a>~}

<a href=".">.</a></TD></TR>
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb valign="top"><b>readdir</b></tt> 
unless($show_dir eq '1'){
    <input type="submit" value=" . "> 
    <input type="checkbox" name="rd" value="1"$check_rdir><p>
if(($IN::rd eq '1') or ($show_dir eq '1')){
    <table border="$tbd" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=160>
    <tr><td><font size="-2">
File size in bytes is shown for 
text files larger than 30k as a 
warning that they may exceed 
a common html browser 
textarea limit.<p></font></td></tr>
    <tr><td><font size="-2">
    IE may attempt to execute 
    perl scripts if the file extension 
    is associated with perl when 
    "view" is used. Try "edit" 
print '</table>';
print qq~</TD><TD bgcolor=~;
if(($IN::rd eq '1') or ($show_dir eq '1')){ print qq~$tb>~} else { pri
+nt qq~$tc>~}
if(($IN::rd eq '1') or ($show_dir eq '1')){
    opendir THIS, "." or die "$!";
    while(defined ($_ = readdir(THIS))){
        next if $_ =~ /^\.\.?$/;
        next if -d $_;
#        if(-d $_){$_='/'.$_}; # list dirs
        push @dir, $_;
    closedir THIS;
    @dir = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @dir;
<table border="$tbd" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$tb>
<tr><td rowspan=2 width="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td><small><b>Current directory</b></small><br>
<select name="filename" size="10">
        my$fs  = -s $_;
        if($fs <= 30000){$fss=''}
        if($fs >= 30000){
            unless(-B $_){
                $fs =~ s/(\d{1,3})(?=(?:\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/$1,/gx;
                $fss="($fs bytes)";
        print qq~<option value="$_">$_ $fss~;
    </select></td><td rowspan=2 width="10">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <tr><td><input type="submit" name="file" value="view"> 
    <input type="submit" name="file" value="edit"> 
    <input type="submit" name="file" value="stat"> 
    <input type="submit" value="refresh"> 
unless(($IN::rd) or ($show_dir eq '1')){ print "$Bin" }

<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb><input type="submit" name="go" value=" url "></TD>
<TD bgcolor=$tc><a href="$url">$url</a></TD></TR>
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb width=100><b>OS</b> </TD><TD bgcolor=$tc><tt>$^O</
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb><b>localtime</b> </TD><TD bgcolor=$tc><tt>$ltime</
<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb align="right">&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>
<small><tt>sec=$sec, min=$min, hour=$hour, mday=$mday, mon=$mon, year=
+$year, wday=$wday, yday=$yday, isdst=$isdst</small></TD></TR>
<TABLE BORDER="$tbd" CELLPADDING=3 cellspacing=1 WIDTH=100%>
<tr BGCOLOR="$ta"><th colspan="2" align="left"><big><p><br><nobr>$envt

Environment Variables 

unless($show_env eq '1'){
    <input type="checkbox" name="env" value="1"$check_env>
    <input type="submit" value="show">
print '</th></tr>';
if(($IN::env eq '1') or ($show_env eq '1')){
        unless($ENV{$_} eq ''){
print "<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb>$_&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>&nbsp;<a href=
+\"file://" . %ENV->{$_} . "\">" . %ENV->{$_} . "</a></TD></TR>";
%ENV->{$_}=~s/;/; /g;
print "<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb>$_&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>&nbsp;" . %ENV
+->{$_} . "</TD></TR>";
print "<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb>$_&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>&nbsp;<a href=
+\"http://" . %ENV->{$_} . "\">" . %ENV->{$_} . "</a></TD></TR>";
print "<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb>$_&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>&nbsp;<a href=
+\"mailto:" . %ENV->{$_} . "\">" . %ENV->{$_} . "</a></TD></TR>";
print "<TR><TD bgcolor=$tb>$_&nbsp;</TD><TD bgcolor=$tc>&nbsp;" . %ENV
+->{$_} . "</TD></TR>";
print "</table>";
<TABLE BORDER="$tbd" CELLPADDING=3 cellspacing=1 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLO
+R="$ta"><TH colspan=3 align="left"><big><p><br>$modtotal 

Installed Modules 

unless($show_mod eq '1'){
    <input type="checkbox" name="mods" value="1"$check_mods>
    <input type="submit" value="show">
if(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){
    print qq~<input type="submit" name="go" value="update"> ~;
if(($filter eq '1') && (($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1'))){
    print qq~<br><small><b>$mt2</b> displayed, <b>$mt3</b> filtered (~
    for(@filtered){ print "$_ "}
    print ')</small>';
if(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){
    print qq~<br><small>Modules without pod * are linked directly to t
+he module.~;
print '</td></tr>';
unless(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){ print '</table>'}
if(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){
    if($filter eq '1'){$modtotal=$mt2}
    $third = $modtotal/3;
+DING=3 width=100%>~;
    foreach $mod(@foundmods){ 
        if($count <= $third){
            print qq~<TR><TD bgcolor="$tc">$root</TD></TR>~;
            push (@mod1,$mod)
    print qq~</TABLE></TD><TD WIDTH=33% VALIGN=TOP><TABLE BORDER="$tbd
+" CELLPADDING=3 width=100%>~; 
    foreach $mod1(@mod1){ 
        if($count <= $third){
            print qq~<TR><TD bgcolor="$tc">$root</TD></TR>~;
            push (@mod2,$mod1)
    print qq~</TABLE></TD><TD WIDTH=33% VALIGN=TOP><TABLE BORDER="$tbd
+" CELLPADDING=3 width=100%>~;
    foreach $mod2(@mod2){
        if($count <= $third){
            print qq~<TR><TD bgcolor="$tc">$root</TD></TR>~;
    print qq~</TABLE></td></tr>~;
unless(($IN::mods eq '1') or ($show_mod eq '1')){ 
    print qq~<TABLE BORDER="$tbd" CELLPADDING=3 cellspacing=1 WIDTH=10
print qq~<TR><TD bgcolor="$ta" colspan="3" align="center">~;
printf "<small><b>That took %.2F CPU seconds.", $end - $start;
print qq~</TD></TR></TABLE></form>~;
print end_html;

sub findmodules{
for(@INC){ if($_ eq '.'){ pop(@INC)}}
@path{@INC} = (); # -
for $base (@INC) { find(\&modules, $base) } # ditto
$check_mods = ' checked';
$modtotal = @foundmods;
if($filter eq '1'){
        @fm = split(/::/,$_);
        $fm = shift(@fm);
        for(@filtered){    if($_ eq $fm){$off=1}}
    @foundmods = keys(%fms);
    $mt2 = @foundmods;
    $mt3 = ($modtotal-$mt2);
#    $modtotal = $mt2;
@foundmods = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } (@foundmods);

sub modules { # sub from -
  $File::Find::prune = 1, return if
    exists $path{$File::Find::dir} and $File::Find::dir ne $base; 

$f = $File::Find::name; # < added
if($f=~/\.pm$/){        #
    push @files, $f;    #
    }                   # 
@files = sort @files;    # <

  my $module = substr $File::Find::name, length $base;
  return unless $module =~ s/\.pm$//;
  $module =~ s!^/+!!;
  $module =~ s!/!::!g;
#  $module =~ tr!A-Z!a-z!;
  push @foundmods, $module;
#  print qq~<li>$module~;

sub make{
my$var   = shift;
my@smn   = split(/::/,$var);
my$name  = pop(@smn);
my$foo   = shift(@smn);

    if($_ eq $var){
            $root=qq(<small><a href="$url?go=perldoc&pm=$modpath{$var}
+&title=$var" target="$target">$var</a>);
            $root=qq(<small><a href="$url?go=perlmod&pm=$modpath{$var}
+&title=$var" target="$target">$var</a>$markpm);

sub updatedat{
print header,start_html(-title=>"module list updated",-bgcolor=>"$bgc"
+Module list <a href='$dat'><i>$dat</i></a> updated with $modtotal mod

sub makedat{
    my$var   = $_;
    my@smn   = split(/::/,$var);
    my$lname = pop(@smn);
    my$foo = pop(@smn);
            open(IT,"< $_") or next; 
            local $/ = undef;
            close(IT) or die "Couldn't close module: $!";
            if($it=~/=cut/ or /=head/ or /=item/){$rec{$var}=1}
open(FILE,"> $dat") or die "$!";
print FILE qq~%moddat=(~;
for(sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys(%rec)){
    print FILE qq~$_=>$rec{$_},~;
print FILE qq~);~;
close(FILE) or die "$!";

sub perlmod{
    open(MU,"< $IN::pm") or die "$!"; 
    local $/ = undef;
    close(MU) or die "$!";
    print header(-type=>'text/html'),start_html(-title=>"$IN::title",-

sub perldoc{ 
$pod = $^T;
pod2html( "--htmlroot=$Bin",
open(IT,"< $pod.html") or die "$!"; 
local $/ = undef;
close(IT) or die "$!";
unlink "$pod.html";
print header(-type=>'text/html'),start_html(-title=>"$IN::title",-bgco

sub check_type{
    if(-B $file){$type='binary'}
    if(-T $file){$type='text/plain'}
    if(   $file=~/\.s?html?/i){$type='text/html'}

sub view_file{
    print header(-type=>"$type");
    if($type=~/html/){ print start_html(-title=>"viewing $IN::filename
    open(FILE, "< $file") or die "$!"; 
    local $/ = undef;
    my$data = <FILE>;
    close(FILE) or die "$!";
    print $data;
    print "Location: $file\n\n";
    print header,start_html(-title=>'Unsupported Binary',-bgcolor=>"$b
+d Binary'),p('Only GIF and JPEG binaries can be viewed.'),hr,("<noscr
+ipt><strike></noscript><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Ok</a><nos

sub edit_file{
if($type =~ /image/){ 
    print header,start_html(-title=>'Feature not yet implemented',-bgc
+blockquote,p("Images can only be <a href='$url?filename=$IN::filename
    print header,start_html(-title=>'Unsupported Binary',-bgcolor=>"$b
+d Binary'),p('Only text files can be edited.'),hr("<noscript><strike>
+</noscript><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Ok</a><noscript></stri
$fs = -s $IN::filename;
open (FILE, "< $IN::filename") or die "$!"; 
local $/ = undef;
my$file = <FILE>;
close(FILE) or die "$!";
print header,start_html(-title=>"editing $IN::filename",-bgcolor=>"$bg
my$fc = (length($IN::filename)+3);
($fL = $0) =~ s/$rurl$//o;
<table border="$tbd" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><form method="pos
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="save">
<input type="submit" value="save file as"> 
<input type="text" name="filename" value="$IN::filename" size="$fc"> 
if($fs <= 30000){
    print qq~<small>($fs bytes) in <a href="file://$fL">$fL</a></small
if($fs >= 30000){
    <font size="-1" color="#ff0000">($fs bytes) in <a href="file://$fL
    <small>If a large text file was selected and the textarea 
    is empty your browser<br>has a textarea limit. This warning appear
    on files >= 30k.<br></small></blockquote>
<textarea name="filebody" rows="40" cols="80" wrap="virtual">$file<\/t
print end_html;

sub stat_file{
+ksize,$blocks) = stat $IN::filename;
print header,start_html(-title=>"stat $IN::filename",-bgcolor=>"$bgc",
<table border="$tbd" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bgcolor="$tb">
<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="$ta"><h2>results of <tt>stat $IN::filename<
<tr><th align=left>
Field</th><th align=left>Value</th></tr>
Device number of filesystem </td><td>$dev &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td> 
Inode number </td><td>$ino &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td> 
File mode (type and permissions) </td><td>$mode &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><t
Number of (hard) links to the file </td><td>$nlink &nbsp;</td></tr><tr
Numeric user ID of file's owner </td><td>$uid &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>
Numeric group ID of file's owner </td><td>$gid &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td
The device identifier (special files only) </td><td>$rdev &nbsp;</td><
Total size of file, in bytes </td><td>$size &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td> 
Last access time since the epoch </td><td>$atime &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><
Last modify time since the epoch </td><td>$mtime &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><
Inode change time <small>(NOT creation time!)</small> since the epoch 
+</td><td>$ctime &nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td> 
Preferred blocksize for file system I/O </td><td>$blksize &nbsp;</td><
Actual number of blocks allocated </td><td>$blocks &nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="$ta"> 
Current time since the epoch </td><td>
$^T &nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="$ta" align="right">
<noscript><strike></noscript><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">ok</a
print end_html;

sub save_file{
open (FILE, "> $IN::filename") or die "$!";
print FILE $IN::filebody;
close(FILE) or die "$!";
print header,start_html(-title=>'File Saved',-bgcolor=>"$bgc",-text=>"
+$btext",-link=>"$blink",-vlink=>"$bvlink"),h1('File Saved');
print qq~<a href="$IN::filename">$IN::filename</a> saved in <i>$Bin</i
+><hr><noscript><strike></noscript><a href="javascript:history.go(-2)"

sub selfurls{
$url3 = url(-absolute=>1);
$url4 = url(-path_info=>1);
$url5 = url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1);
($url5 = $url5) =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
$url5 =~ tr/ /+/;
print header,start_html(-title=>'urls',-bgcolor=>"$bgc",-text=>"$btext
print table({-border=>"$tbd",-bgcolor=>"$tc",-cellspacing=>'1',-cellpa
Tr([td({-colspan=>'2',-bgcolor=>"$ta"},font({-size=>'+2'},b(tt('Full P
+ath to this script by various methods'))))]),
Tr([td({-colspan=>'2',-bgcolor=>"$tb"},small(b('system  paths')))]),
Tr([td({-colspan=>'2',-bgcolor=>"$tb"},small(b('web paths')))]),
+ike></noscript><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>ok</a><noscript></
print end_html;

sub configure{
if($show_dir eq '1'){$checkp_dir=' checked'}
if($show_env eq '1'){$checkp_env=' checked'}
if($show_mod eq '1'){$checkp_mod=' checked'}
if($filter eq '1'){$checkp_filter=' checked'}
print header,start_html(-title=>'configure',-bgcolor=>"$bg
<table border="$tbd" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1">
<tr bgcolor="$ta"><form method="post"><td>

Configure perlvars</h1></td><td align=right>

<input type="submit" name="go" value="save config"> 
<input type="submit" name="go" value="home"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="$tb"><h3>

Display Preferences</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="$tc"><td align="center">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="$tbd" bgcolor="$tb" wid
<tr><td colspan="2"><small>If expand is checked the section 
will be expanded by default, otherwise a check box and expand button 
will appear near the section title.<br>
<tr align="left"><th>section</th><th>expand</th></tr><tr>
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="show_dir" value="1"$checkp_dir></
    <td>environment variables</td>
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="show_env" value="1"$checkp_env></
    <td>installed modules</td>
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="show_mod" value="1"$checkp_mod></
<tr><td colspan="2" height="10">&nbsp;</td></tr>
    <td><ul><li><small>mark non-pod links with a</ul></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="markpm" value="$markpm" size="1" maxl
    <td><ul><li><small>windowname for mod docs</ul></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="target" value="$target" size="10"></t
    <td><ul><li>filter modules <input type="checkbox" name="filter" va
    <font size="-1">module dirs excluded from display</font><br></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="filtered" value="@filtered" size="22"
    <td colspan="2"></td>
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="$tbd" bgcolor="$tb">
<tr align="left"><th>element</th><th>value</th></tr><tr>
    <td><small>background color</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="bgc" value="$bgc"></td>
    <td><small>text color</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="btext" value="$btext"></td>
    <td><small>link color</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="blink" value="$blink"></td>
    <td><small>visited link color</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="bvlink" value="$bvlink"></td>
    <td><small>table shade light</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="tc" value="$tc"></td>
    <td><small>table shade medium</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="tb" value="$tb"></td>
    <td><small>table shade dark</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="ta" value="$ta"></td>
    <td><small>table border</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="tbd" value="$tbd" size="2"></td>
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="$tb"><input type="submit" name="go" value
+="restore default">
<small> will overwrite current config with a fresh default.</td></form

sub info{
print header,start_html(-title=>"$rurl",-bgcolor=>"$bgc",-text=>"$btex
<body bgcolor="$bgc">
<table border="$tbd" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 bgcolor="$tb" width="
+70%" align="center">
<tr><td bgcolor="$ta"><h1>$rurl</h1></td></tr>
<b>perlvars</b> is based on the concept of <a href="http://www.scripts" target="_blank">ScriptSolution
+s'</a> great free unix-oriented 
<i>perl diver</i> which lists useful environment variables and install
+ed perl modules. 
It was written so these functions could be expanded upon and enjoyed u
+nder Win32 as well as Unix systems.
<h2>Also in perlvars:</h2>
<li>Listed modules are linked to their documentation. Either an html r
+endering of the pod 
or raw module source code.<p>
<li>Control panel to customize preferences.<p>
<li>Automatic configuration file creation if either $cfg or $dat are n
+ot found in the current directory.<p>
<li>Directory browser that can view, edit and stat local files. Stat a
+pplies to all files, 
text files with any extension can be viewed and edited, jpeg and gif i
+mages can be viewed. 
Unfortunately, text files larger than a given browser software's texta
+rea limit cannot be 
Coded by <a href="" target="
<a href="" target="_blank
+"></a> - getting a list of modules<br>
<a href="" targ
+et="_blank"></a>- splitting module table into thirds<br><p><br></td></
<tr><td bgcolor="$ta" align="right"><noscript><strike></noscript>
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Ok</a><noscript></strike></noscrip
+t><noscript> or 
<a href="$url">Ok</a></noscript></td></tr>
print end_html;

sub config_save{
%cfg = (
bgc    => "\$bgc='$IN::bgc';",
btext  => "\$btext='$IN::btext';",
blink  => "\$blink='$IN::blink';",
bvlink => "\$bvlink='$IN::bvlink';",
   tc  => "\$tc='$IN::tc';",
   tb  => "\$tb='$IN::tb';",
   ta  => "\$ta='$IN::ta';",
   tbd => "\$tbd='$IN::tbd';", 
   dir => "\$show_dir='$IN::show_dir';",
   env => "\$show_env='$IN::show_env';",
   mod => "\$show_mod='$IN::show_mod';",
target => "\$target='$IN::target';",
markpm => "\$markpm='$IN::markpm';",
filter    => "\$filter='$IN::filter';",
filtered  => "\@filtered=qw($IN::filtered);",
open (FILE, "> $cfg") or die "Problem saving config file: $!";
    print FILE qq($cfg{$_})
print FILE "\n1;\n";
close(FILE) or die "$!"; 
print header,start_html(-title=>'Configuration Saved',-bgcolor=>"$bgc"
    if($IN::show_dir eq '1'){$showdir='yes'} else {$showdir='no'}
    if($IN::show_env eq '1'){$showenv='yes'} else {$showenv='no'}
    if($IN::show_mod eq '1'){$showmod='yes'} else {$showmod='no'}
    if($IN::filter eq '1'){$filt='yes'} else {$filt='no'}
    if($IN::diag eq '1'){$dia='On'} elsif($IN::diag eq '0'){$dia='Off'
<table border="$tbd" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"><tr 

Configuration Saved

</h1></td><td align=right>
<input type="submit" name="go" value="config"> 
<input type="submit" name="go" value="home"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="$tb"><h3>
Display Preferences</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="$tc"><td align="center">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="$tbd" bgcolor="$tb">
<tr align="left"><th>section</th><th>expand</th></tr><tr>
<tr><td>environment variables</td><td><tt>$showenv</td></tr>
<tr><td>installed modules</td><td><tt>$showmod</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" height="10">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td>display window</td><td><tt>$target</td></tr>
<tr><td>marking non-pod links with a</td><td><tt>$IN::markpm</td></tr>
<tr><td>filter modules</td><td><tt>$filt</td></tr>
<tr><td>filtered modules</td><td><tt>$IN::filtered&nbsp;</td></tr>
</td><td align="center">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="$tbd" bgcolor="$tb">
<tr align="left"><th>element</th><th>value</th></tr>
<tr><td><small>background color</td><td><tt>$IN::bgc</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>text color</td><td><tt>$IN::btext</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>link color</td><td><tt>$IN::blink</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>visited link color</td><td><tt>$IN::bvlink</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>table shade light</td><td><tt>$IN::tc</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>table shade medium</td><td><tt>$IN::tb</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>table shade dark</td><td><tt>$IN::ta</td></tr>
<tr><td><small>table border</td><td><tt>$IN::tbd</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="$tb">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
print end_html;

sub install{
print header,start_html(-title=>'install'),h1('Installatio
if($IN::go eq 'restore default'){ print 'Default configuration restore
+d' }
print ol;
    print qq~<li>Data file <i>$cfg</i> not detected in <i>$path</i><br
if(($init==1) or ($IN::go eq 'restore default')){
    while(<DATA>){$df .= $_} # read data
    open (FILE, "> $cfg") or die "$!";
    print FILE $df;
    close(FILE) or die "$!";
    print qq~<li><b>Created data file <i>$path/<a href="$cfg">$cfg</a>
    print qq~<li>Data file <i>$dat</i> not detected in <i>$path</i><br
    print qq~<li><b>Created data file <i>$path/<a href="$dat">$dat</a>
Ready to <a href="$url">reload</a> or <a href="$url?go=config">configu

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: perlvars
by davorg (Chancellor) on Jan 08, 2001 at 14:56 UTC

    Woo... that's a lot of code! Don't have time to look at it all right now, but here are a few things I've spotted.

    • You are trying to conditionally load modules. This doesn't work as use is evaluated at compile time so all of the modules will be loaded anyway. You should probably use require instead.
    • Am I confused, or are you using the contents of %in before you've given it any values?
    • When you do set the values in %in you use a flawed algorithm which will break if any of your CGI parameters have more than one value.
    • You are mixing the object and function interfaces to I've not tried this, so I don't know if it works, but I'd advise picking one interface and sticking to it.

    Hope you find these comments helpful.


    "Perl makes the fun jobs fun
    and the boring jobs bearable" - me

      Thank you salvadors and davorg for pointing out some flaws. This shows me what i need to learn about.

      • I didn't realize that use can't be conditioned. I've fixed that and will be studying use, require and compile vs. runtime functions.
      • I was checking the contents of %in before it was populated *blush*, and fixed it!
      • I found node 30402 and especially merlyn's advice responding to the source node for the flawed algorithm. Is this really a problem if the script has no multi-valued params, and never will?
      • I understand what you're saying about mixing interfaces. But i have tried it, and it works! :-)
      I almost put this in craft but thought it was too big. Let me know if you think craft would have been a better choice.

      Thanks again - epoptai

        Is this really a problem if the script has no multi-valued params, and never will?

        I think it is a problem, for two reasons:

        1. You can never be sure that the script will never have multi-valued parameters. Who knows what features might be added in the future - and it might not be you that adds them.
        2. By posting the code here you've made it an example that people will copy - and people who might not understand the specific circumstances that make your code work correctly. At the very least, you should have a comment that says something like "this code only works correctly because I have no multi-values CGI parameters".
        I understand what you're saying about mixing interfaces. But i have tried it, and it works!

        OK. I'll take your word for that. But does it give you any advantages over using one or the other exclusively? And once more, consider that your code will now be read and copied by people who don't understand it as well as you do. Would using one interface make it easier for them to understand? I think so.


        "Perl makes the fun jobs fun
        and the boring jobs bearable" - me

Re: perlvars
by salvadors (Pilgrim) on Jan 08, 2001 at 14:54 UTC

    Without commenting on the rest of the code, I thought I'd point out that this:

    if($in{'go'} eq 'perldoc'){ use Pod::Html; } if($in{'file'} =~ /edit/ or /save/){ use HTML::Entities; } if( ($in{'rd'}) or ( ($in{'file'} eq 'save') && ($in{'filename'}) ) or ($in{'go'} eq ' url ')){ use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs); } if($diag eq '1'){ use Data::Dumper; }
    isn't doing what you think it's doing.

    'use' happens at compile time, not run-time, so this fragment is actually just a wasteful way of doing:

    use Pod::Html; use HTML::Entities; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs); use Data::Dumper; if($in{'go'} eq 'perldoc'){ # do nothing } if($in{'file'} =~ /edit/ or /save/){ # do nothing } if( ($in{'rd'}) or ( ($in{'file'} eq 'save') && ($in{'filename'}) ) or ($in{'go'} eq ' url ')){ # do nothing } if($diag eq '1'){ # do nothing }



perlvars update 1
by epoptai (Curate) on Jan 10, 2001 at 05:55 UTC

    If you tried this before and thought it would be nice if it worked please try again, many problems have been addressed.

    thanks - epoptai

Re: perlvars
by ichimunki (Priest) on Jan 08, 2001 at 17:51 UTC
    The <font> tag has been deprecated since Dec 18, 1997. It is probably safe to discontinue use.

      The World Wide Web Consortium's own Cascading Style Sheets language tutorial, Adding a touch of style, written 29th August 2000 by Dave Raggett section What about browsers that don't support CSS? recommends using HTML font tags. Case dismissed.

      To be depreciated means there's a newer construct, not that the depreciated construct is obsolete. To the contrary, the spec calls for user agents to continue support for deprecated elements for backward compatibility. That means depreciated constructs should enjoy wider compatability!

      In the long run, obsolete constructs seem like a worse idea than the bad constructs that become obsolete, imho. If TMTOWTDI in HTML then WTFN?

        First, it's "deprecated". "Depreciated" means something similar, but is mostly an accounting term these days.

        Second, just because some agents support it does not mean you should continue use. The reason the w3 deprecates the tag is so that you will stop using it. The word "should" is a little loaded. If you read the w3 definition of "should" it clearly implies no real obligation on the part of the user agent to continue to use deprecated tags. It merely states that one might want to do so, in order to ease the transition from HTML3 to HTML4

        Third, the newer construct is called CSS, and gets you to think about how to separate content from layout directives. It's a more orthogonal approach. Generally this is considered a Good Thing (tm).

        I'm sorry I was terse. I didn't mean to detract from the fact that I think you are doing a great job getting started with the above code.

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