LanX has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I read once that JS-regexes follow the standards of Perl4.

Now I was quite surprised to learn that JS doesn't have a /s single-line modifier to let '.' also match on linebreaks like \n.

As a compensation JS offers to use [^] to match everything (the negation of nothing is everything).

>>> "a <\n \n> z".match('<[^]*>') ["<\n \n>"]

I like the concept and was wondering if there is any equivalent in Perl ...

Here [^] is a syntax error because at this position Perl magically expects ']' to be part of the negated char-class and still expects another closing ']'.

The closest that I was able to find was (?:.|\n)

DB<118> "a <\n \n> z" =~ /<(?:.|\n)*>/ ; $ & => "<\n \n>"

Any other suggestions?

Cheers Rolf


Another option is to use single-line locally: (see perlrecharclass)

DB<146> "a <\n \n> z" =~ /<(?s:.)*>/;$ & => "<\n \n>"

not shorter but cleaner!