ShermW0829 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am coding on Ubuntu. I am trying to learn perl oop and I have never coded in any object language before. I can build straight line programs that work. I am trying to call "/home/sherman/modules/Sudoku/". I have tried setting permissions for /home/sherman/modules to 775 and 777 but nothing seems to work. I am calling the try program from /home/sherman/perl_development/sudoku/try_stubs with %perl Here is the terminal's error message. One other thing. I know that sudoku modules exist in CPAN but I want to build mine so I can learn oop and how to build modules for my own satisfaction

Can't exec "/home/sherman/modules"; Permission denied at, line 4.

The partial code for the top is shown below

#! /usr/bin/perl -w use "v5.14.2"; Use lib `/home/sherman/modules`;