in reply to mail question and book

You must have been very unlucky. There may be some bugs in some of the programs, of course, but I am pretty sure that they are quite uncommon, actually very rare. I have been using both the first and the second editions of this book in the past, there may be outdated features, but I haven't seen any real bug that I can remember of. It is definitely a book that I would warmly recommend. Perhaps the problem is that the code snippets presented in this book are rarely complete programs, or perhaps you overlooked something and mistyped the example. Or perhaps you are using a completely different version of Perl. Or maybe platform-dependent features.

I would add that Tom C. and Nat T. are very well know Perl authors, with an excellent reputation, and I firmly believe that they are doing they work very seriously. They also state the following in their preface: "We tested most programs and examples under BSD, Linux, and SunOS, but that doesn't mean they'll work only on those systems. Perl was designed for platform independence. " In addition O'Reilly's editors are also known to do their work very seriously. To me, O'Reilly is one of the best publishers in the field of IT.

OK, this response can only be very general. I would suggest that you post the programs that have bugs in your eyes (also explaining where the bug is in your mind), so that we can make a judgment on these bugs and provide a more specific answer.