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Re: specify file to debug AND file containing debug commands on command line

by thomas895 (Deacon)
on Feb 03, 2016 at 23:45 UTC ( [id://1154365]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to specify file to debug AND file containing debug commands on command line

Can you do what they suggest in Debugger Customization?

Edit: To be specific, you want to implement a .perldb file, with the afterinit subroutine that pushes commands to the @DB:typeahead array. You might want to try something like the following (untested):

#This is your .perldb file, it lives in ~/.perldb or ./.perldb, as per + [perldebug]. #Create a file of your debugger commands (one per line) and save it so +mewhere. Put its location in the environment variable PERLDB_MYCOMMAN +DFILE. BEGIN { sub afterinit { if ( $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE} && -e $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFIL +E}) { warn "Running commands from $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE}"; open my $cmdfile, "<", $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE} or die " +can't open $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE}: $!"; push @DB::typeahead, <$cmdfile>; close $cmdfile; } } }
"Excuse me for butting in, but I'm interrupt-driven..."
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Re^2: specify file to debug AND file containing debug commands on command line
by previous (Sexton) on Feb 05, 2016 at 20:00 UTC
    Thomas Sorry for the delay in responding but THANKYOU so much for your answer i.e. it would've taken me absolutely age to come up with something of that form. I'm really pleased I asked!

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