Can you do what they suggest in Debugger Customization?
Edit: To be specific, you want to implement a .perldb file, with the afterinit subroutine that pushes commands to the @DB:typeahead array. You might want to try something like the following (untested):
#This is your .perldb file, it lives in ~/.perldb or ./.perldb, as per
+ [perldebug].
#Create a file of your debugger commands (one per line) and save it so
+mewhere. Put its location in the environment variable PERLDB_MYCOMMAN
sub afterinit {
+E}) {
warn "Running commands from $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE}";
open my $cmdfile, "<", $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE} or die "
+can't open $ENV{PERLDB_MYCOMMANDFILE}: $!";
push @DB::typeahead, <$cmdfile>;
close $cmdfile;
"Excuse me for butting in, but I'm interrupt-driven..."