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Re: Sum to 100 at Rosetta Code -- oneliner

by Discipulus (Canon)
on Feb 18, 2018 at 14:30 UTC ( [id://1209439]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Sum to 100 at Rosetta Code

just the first quest..
perl -E "say for grep{eval $_ == 100} glob join '{+,-,}',1..9"

PS sorry missed: -1+2-3+4+5+6+78+9

perl -E "say for grep{eval $_ == 100} glob '{-,}'.join '{+,-,}',1..9"


UPDATE Feb 21 2018, just for my own pleasure:

1. Show all solutions that sum to 100
2. Show the sum that has the maximum number of solutions (from zero to infinity*)
3. Show the lowest positive sum that can't be expressed (has no solutions), using the rules for this task
4. Show the ten highest numbers that can be expressed using the rules for this task (extra credit)

perl -MList::Util="first" -E "@c[0..10**6]=(0..10**6);say for grep{$e= +eval;$c[$e]=undef if $e>=0;$h{$e}++;eval $_==100}glob'{-,}'.join'{+,- +,}',1..9;END{say for(sort{$h{$b}<=>$h{$a}}grep{$_>=0}keys %h)[0],firs +t{defined $_}@c;say for(sort{$b<=>$a}grep{$_>0}keys %h)[0..9]}" -1+2-3+4+5+6+78+9 1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9 1+2+34-5+67-8+9 1+23-4+5+6+78-9 1+23-4+56+7+8+9 12+3+4+5-6-7+89 12+3-4+5+67+8+9 12-3-4+5-6+7+89 123+4-5+67-89 123+45-67+8-9 123-4-5-6-7+8-9 123-45-67+89 9 211 123456789 23456790 23456788 12345687 12345669 3456801 3456792 3456790 3456788 3456786

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