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Repeatedly edit a file hacking PPI::Cache

by Discipulus (Canon)
on Apr 13, 2018 at 11:34 UTC ( [id://1212800]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hello monks and nuns,

this is a quick hack on PPI::Cache and PPI itself. The program looks for the file named last_hex_id_file.sto which contains the last hex generated for the perl document. If the file is not found (as normal the first time you run the program) it ask for the path of a perl document to parse: then generates the cache and store the hex in the above file.

When a new file or some cache content is loaded it ask for a PPI class to iterate over: each element is printed out and you are asked if you want to modify it.

At the end of the cylce the new document is put in the cache and you are asked for an eventual output file. Next time you run the program the newer version is automatically loaded from the cache: because of this run in a new folder for each perl document you want to modify.

use strict; use warnings; use PPI; use PPI::Cache; use Term::ReadLine; use Storable qw(nstore retrieve); my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('PPI cache hack'); my $last_hex_id_file = 'last_hex_id_file.sto'; my $perl_doc; my $cache; # not found the last_hex_id_file.sto file: ask for a new perl document + to parse unless (-e $last_hex_id_file){ print "cache file $last_hex_id_file not found.\n". "Insert the full path of a new file to edit and press ente +r (or CTRL-C to terminate)\n"; my $path = $term->readline('FILE PATH:'); die "Some problem with [$path]! " unless -e -r -f -s $path; my $doc = PPI::Document->new($path) or die "Unable to load $path v +ia PPI! "; $cache = PPI::Cache->new( path => './',readonly => 0); # store the original in the cache $cache->store_document($doc) or die "Unable to store into the cach +e!"; # get a copy to work with from the cache $perl_doc = $cache->get_document($doc->hex_id); print "loading from cache ok\n" if ref $perl_doc eq 'PPI::Document +'; #store_hex($doc->hex_id); nstore (\$doc->hex_id, $last_hex_id_file); } # last_hex_id_file.sto is here: load from it my $last_hex = retrieve($last_hex_id_file); print "'last_hex_id_file.sto' succesfully read: using $$last_hex\n"; $cache = PPI::Cache->new( path => './',readonly => 0) unless ref $c +ache eq 'PPI::Cache'; $perl_doc = $cache->get_document( $$last_hex ); print "Which PPI class do you want to edit?\n"; my $class = $term->readline('PPI CLASS:'); print "\n\nEach element of the type $class will be proposed for edit ( +the content).\n". "insert your new input terminating it with CTRL-Z on a empty l +ine.\n". "use a bare ENTER to skip the current element\n\n"; foreach my $it ( @{$perl_doc->find($class)} ) { print "STATEMENT: ",$it->statement,"\n", "CONTENT: ",$it->content,"\n\n"; my @in; while ( my $line = $term->readline('EDIT:') ){ push @in,$line; } if (@in){ $it->set_content(join "\n",@in); } } # store in the $cache->store_document($perl_doc); print "storing cache hex_id: ",$perl_doc->hex_id," in $last_hex_id_fil +e\n"; nstore (\$perl_doc->hex_id, $last_hex_id_file); # ask for an eventual output file print "Enter a filename if you want to save the current version (or EN +TER to skip)\n"; my $out = $term->readline('OUTPUT FILE:'); $perl_doc->save( $out ) if $out;

PS if you pass PPI::Token::Quote in the above program you can use it to translate a program into another language with easy.

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