An short example of how to set environment variables in the parent "shell" using Perl under Win32.

Save this to a file named "SetEnviron.bat", run "pl2bat SetEnviron.bat", then "SetEnviron whatever you want to type" will change the value of %PARENT% in the parent "shell" ( or cmd.exe) that you used to run the script.

Extending this to actually do something useful is very easy and is left as an exercise for Rex(Wrecks).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die qq[You need to run "pl2bat $0" first.\n] unless <DATA> =~ /^:endofperl$/i; open DATA, "+< $0" or die "Can't update $0: $!\n"; while( <DATA> ) { last if /^:endofperl$/i; } seek( DATA, 0, 1 ); @ARGV= qw( This is a test ) unless @ARGV; print DATA "SET PARENT=@ARGV\n"; truncate( DATA, tell(DATA) ); warn "Setting %PARENT% in the parent shell's environment.\n"; exit( 0 );