A WikiWiki (more commonly now just called "Wiki") is a writable web site. In many ways it's like perlmonks, but it's much less structured, allowing anyone to edit anything on the site. This has the potential to lead to chaos, but for some reason it seems to work.

Now most of the Wikis out there seem to be written in Perl. From the original WikiWiki to twiki and usemod Wiki.

Unfortunately none of them allow you to use POD as the authoring language. And almost all of them seem to hard code the HTML formatting of the output (you can add design/style around the borders of the Wiki - like wrapping the whole thing in an IFRAME, but you can't redesign how a paragraph looks without hacking the Perl code).

Anyway, I wanted to play with the idea of a Wiki based on server side XSLT. And I wanted a POD wiki. And since I wrote AxKit, I wanted to do it in AxKit.

The result is the AxKit Wiki. All the editing is done online in POD format, and on the fly converted to XML using Pod::SAX. Then XSLT stylesheets transform the POD to HTML. This allows you total control over the style of the output from plain XSLT stylesheets.

The current code is pretty simple - no versioning, no user management, and so on. But I'll extend it over time. The code is on CPAN, as AxKit::XSP::Wiki. Installation is pretty simple if you have a working AxKit install. Please let me know if you try it (either online, or try installing it yourself) how you get on.
