I'm in between projects at work, so as I was wandering around, I figured I could write a script to wander for me.

You give the script a web page to start on and it wanders randomly for as many pages as you tell it to. It's fun to watch!

Use the demo and see where you end up.


update: I have refactored the original code.
update: I've added keyword functionality if you care about the source.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use CGI; use LWP::Simple; $|++; my $q = new CGI; my $v = $q->Vars; my $action = $q->url; print $q->header(-type => 'text/plain'), viewSource() and exit if $v-> +{view}; print $q->header, buildTop($v, $action); exit unless $v->{start} && $v->{depth}; $v->{depth} = 25 if $v->{depth} > 25; my $links = [$v->{start}]; my @cycleBreaker = (); print 'Watch! The AutoSurfer is surfing!<ol>'; my $i = 0; do { my $rand = randomizeArray($links); for my $url (@$rand) { next if grep { $_ eq $url } @cycleBreaker; print "<br>Getting $url..." if $v->{verbose}; my $html = get $url; if ($html) { print "done." if $v->{verbose}; } else { print "failed." if $v->{verbose}; next; } my $title = getTitle($html); my $allLinks = getLinks($html); $links = validateLinks($allLinks); cleanLinks($links, $url); if (@$links) { print qq|<li><a target="_blank" href="$url">$title</a> - < +a href="$action?start=$url&depth=$v->{depth}">Surf it</a> - <font si +ze="-1">$url</font>|; $i++; push @cycleBreaker, $url; last; } } } while ($i < $v->{depth} && @$links); print '</ol></body></html>'; sub buildMenu { my ($depth) = @_; my $options = ''; for (5,10,15,20,25) { $options .= qq|<option value="$_"|; $options .= ' selected ' if $depth && $_ == $depth; $options .= ">$_"; } return $options; } sub viewSource { open THIS, $0 or die $!; my @this = <THIS>; close THIS; return @this; } sub buildTop { my ($v, $action) = @_; my $options = buildMenu($v->{depth}); my $start = $v->{start} || 'http://'; my $top = qq| <html><head> <title>AutoSurfer</title> </head><body> <h2>AutoSurfer</h2> <form action="$action"> <table><tr><td> Starting Point: </td><td> <input name="start" value="$start"> </td></tr><tr><td> Surf Depth: </td><td> <select name="depth"> $options </select> </td></tr><tr><td> Verbose: </td><td> <input type="checkbox" name="verbose" value="1"|; $top .= ' checked' if $v->{verbose}; $top .= qq|> </td></tr></table> <p> <input type="submit" value=" Go! "> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="$action?view=1">view source</a> </form>|; return $top; } sub randomizeArray { my ($array) = @_; my @rand = (); push @rand, splice @$array, rand @$array, 1 while @$array; return \@rand; } sub getTitle { my ($html) = @_; my ($title) = $html =~ m|<\s*title\s*>([^<]+)</\s*title\s*>|is; $title ||= 'Untitled'; return $title; } sub getLinks { my ($html) = @_; my @links = $html =~ m|<[^>]+href=['"]?([^'" >]+)|ig; my @frames = $html =~ m|<frame[^>]+src=['"]?([^'" >]+)|ig; return [@links, @frames]; } sub validateLinks { my ($links) = @_; my %uniq; @uniq{(@$links)} = undef; my @urls = grep {!/(dtd|gif|jpg|pdf|css|gz|mov)$/i && !/mailto:/i +&& $_} keys %uniq; return \@urls; } sub getDomain { my ($url) = @_; my ($domain) = $url =~ m|(http://[^/]+)|i; return $domain; } sub getPath { my ($path) = @_; $path =~ s|(?<!/)/[^/]+$||; return $path; } sub cleanLinks { my ($links, $url) = @_; my $domain = getDomain($url); my $path = getPath($url); for (@$links) { next unless $_; unless (/^http/i) { if (/^\//) { $_ = $domain . $_; } elsif (s/^\.\.\///) { my ($new_path) = $path =~ m|^(.+)/|; $_ = $new_path . '/' . $_; } else { my $slash = ($path =~ /\/$/) ? '':'/'; $_ = $path . $slash . $_; } } } }