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Autogenerate test scripts for your perl modules..

by reyjrar (Hermit)
on Aug 29, 2002 at 20:30 UTC ( [id://193901]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

More than likely, something like this exists somewhere else. I just didn't feel like looking for it today. Basically this script when run in a module directory will generate the barebones test scripts for any modules found in cwd() . 'lib'; Its just a quick hack but it does do something kinda cool. If leaves a section for you to enter in your own module specific tests, and then if for some reason (you add a new module to your package, add/remove subs from a current pacakge), it will grab your tests, replace everything it originally put in there and rewrite it, and append your custom tests so long as they come after the # ===> <=== # line.

Lemme know what you think..


#!/usr/bin/perl # # Generate the base test files for the modules # in a given base directory $|++; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use File::Find; my %OPTS = (); getopts('vOht:d:', \%OPTS); &help if $OPTS{h}; my $LIB_DIR = $OPTS{d} || 'lib'; $LIB_DIR =~ s/\/$//; my $TEST_DIR = $OPTS{t} || 't'; $TEST_DIR =~ s/\/$//; my $OVERWRITE_OK = $OPTS{O}; my %MODULES = (); die "Directory: $LIB_DIR isn't a directory!\n" unless -d $LIB_DIR; # # populate the %MODULES hash find(\&build_hash, $LIB_DIR); my $MODULES = scalar keys %MODULES; die "No modules found in $LIB_DIR !\n" unless $MODULES > 0; logthis( "Found $MODULES Modules to write tests for.\n" ); # # make sure our $TEST_DIR exists, otherwise create it mkdir($TEST_DIR, 0755) unless -d $TEST_DIR; my $POS = tell DATA; # # process the modules foreach my $module (keys %MODULES) { logthis("=> Building $module test scripts ...\n"); process($module); logthis("\tdone\n"); } sub build_hash { /^(.*)\.pm/; my $pm_file = $1; return unless $pm_file; my $file = my $full_file = $File::Find::name; $file =~ s/^$LIB_DIR\///; $file =~ s/\.pm$//; my $test_file = my $module = $file; $module =~ s/\//\:\:/g; $test_file =~ s/\//\_/g; $test_file .= '.t'; $test_file = join '/', $TEST_DIR, $test_file; $MODULES{$module} = { file => $full_file, test_file => $test_file }; logthis("$module - $test_file\n"); } sub process { my $module = shift; return unless exists $MODULES{$module}; # # List of variables we _NEED_ my $MODULE = $module; my $TIME = scalar localtime; my $METHODS = undef; my @methods = (); open(PM, "< $MODULES{$module}->{file}") or die "couldn't read +$module: $!\n"; while(local $_ = <PM>) { while( /sub\s+([\w\d_]+)\s*\{/mg ) { push @methods, $1; } } close PM; $METHODS = join ' ', @methods; my $test_file = $MODULES{$module}->{test_file}; my $CUSTOM_DATA = get_custom_data($test_file); unless( length $CUSTOM_DATA ) { $CUSTOM_DATA =<<' EOD'; ###################################################### +########################## # This section is for more extensive testing of +the return values # # and functionality of the module and should be +comprehensive # ###################################################### +########################## # ================> PLEASE CUSTOMIZE THIS SECTION + <================ # #----------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------# EOD $CUSTOM_DATA =~ s/^\t+//mg; } open(TEST, "> $test_file") or die "couldn't write $test_file: +$!\n"; seek DATA, $POS, 0; while( local $_ = <DATA> ) { s/\@(\$[\w\d_]+)\@/$1/gee; print TEST; } print TEST $CUSTOM_DATA; close TEST; } sub get_custom_data { my $file = shift; return unless -f $file; return if $OPTS{O}; open( FILE, "< $file") or die "Couldn't open $file for reading +: $!\n"; while( local $_ = <FILE> ) { last if /^# ====> !!!! DO NOT ERASE THIS LINE !!!! <== +== #/; } local $/ = undef; my $data = <FILE>; return $data; } sub logthis { print @_ if $OPTS{v}; } sub help { print "usage: $0 [-hv] [-t testdir] [-d dir_to_search]\n", "-----------------------------------------------\n", " This script searches a lib directory and generates +generic\n", " test scripts for each module in the lib directory.\ +n\n", " options:\n", "\t -h display this menu and exit\n", "\t -v use verbose mode (prints as is + it goes)\n", "\t -O not recommended. Overwrite al +l files\n", "\t -t testdir store test files in testdir\n" +, "\t defaults to ./t/\n", "\t -d dir_to_search lib directory to search for mo +dules\n", "\t defaults to ./lib\n"; exit; } __DATA__ #!/usr/bin/perl # # AUTOGENERATED TEST SCRIPT FOR @$MODULE@ # # Built: @$TIME@ # by @$0@ written by Brad Lhotsky <> # $|++; use strict; use Test::More qw(no_plan); ###################################################################### +########## # This section is basic module testing and should be completed + # ###################################################################### +########## # # make sure we can safely use the module BEGIN: { use_ok( '@$MODULE@' ); } # # test object creation via new my $obj; alarm 5; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'timedout' }; $obj = new @$MODULE@; isa_ok( $obj, '@$MODULE@' ); }; alarm 0; if($@) { fail ( 'new() - create an object' ); diag( $@ ); } else { pass ( 'new() - create an object' ); } # # list of all public and private methods # can_ok($obj, qw/@$METHODS@/); # ====> !!!! DO NOT ERASE THIS LINE !!!! <==== #

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Re: Autogenerate test scripts for your perl modules..
by hossman (Prior) on Aug 30, 2002 at 08:12 UTC

    I haven't tried this, but from skimming it (and referencing the perldocs) It doesn't appear that this won't accutally work with the most recent (ie: only) standalone release of Test::More (/MSCHWERN/Test-More-0.08) ... I'm guessing it's ment to work with the copy that comes with /JHI/perl-5.8.0 (v0.45)

      I used what was on the machine:
      [07:34:23 brad]$ perl -MTest::More -e 'print "Perl: $] Test::More: $Te +st::More::VERSION\n";' Perl: 5.006001 Test::More: 0.46

      I was also browsing the docs on the Test::* modules on and it matched up. Are there two modules with the same name space?

        Are there two modules with the same name space?

        Not so much differnt modules as different versions depending on what distrobution it was installed in.

        It's not uncommon -- especially when modules get rolled into the standared "perl" distrobution -- but normally the standalone distributions are still maintained and have the latest greatest features (ie: CPAN comes with perl, but you don't want to have to upgrade perl everytime you want the latest improvements to CPAN.)

        Test::More is a little unusual in that it has been included in a wide variety distributions -- everything from Wx to Palm::Progect to perl-5.8.0.

        Looking a little deeper right now, it looks like Test::More got rolled into the Test::Simple, and that's the new "definitive" distribution.

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