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by Tux (Canon)
on Sep 24, 2002 at 13:49 UTC ( [id://200365]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Tux, formerly known as cbu, ...

  • Is known as Tux also on IRC.
  • Is known for a deviating layout of his code.
  • Is known to be one of the few format users in perl5
  • Still maintains perl5's Configure
  • Maintains OpenSource projects for (old) HP-UX on this site
  • Doesn't know if the swatting penguin is copyrighted
  • Only missed YAPC::Europe in Pisa, as I don't like Italy
  • Did not miss any QA Hackathon/PTS yet
  • Has been stupid enough to take up Text::CSV_XS maintainership. Please comment in this node
  • Has been stupid enough to also take up DBD::CSV and DBD::File maintainership
  • Chose cbu because Tux was taken. "cbu" is "Call-Back Unit", in perl5 Configure
  • Got Tux back on 2008-08-05, thanks to ysth

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