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Multiline log parsing (solution)

by Jenda (Abbot)
on Sep 26, 2002 at 21:41 UTC ( [id://201070]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Jenda has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Two days ago I asked for ideas regarding parsing logs, looking for unexpected messages, incomplete multiline messages and similar stuff. sauoq and rje suggested "state machine" ... which was just what I needed.

For those interested, here is the result:

Template for machine definitions

#Empty.parser my ($error); # local variables my $error_fun = sub {output("Error: $1\n\tat line $_[0]")}; # shared e +rror function { '!INIT' => ['START', sub {$error = 0;}], # reset local variables # [ the initial state, the initialization ] START => [ [ qr'^ServiceName \d+\.\d+.\d+$' => 'START'], # [ regexp, state to go to, function to run (first paramet +er is the line number, second the line itself) ] [ qr'^---- Ticking: \d{4}/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d - \d\d:\d\d +:\d\d$' => 'START'], [ qr'^Blah ' => 'OTHER_STATE', sub { }], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], START_EOF => sub {output("OK") unless $error}, # specifies the function to execute if EOF is encountered in S +TART state ERROR_TIME => [ [ qr'\tat ' => 'OTHER_STATE'], ], '!EOF' => sub {output("Unexpected EOF!")}, # specifies the function to execute if EOF is encountered in a + state that doesn't define its own handler '!UNEXPECTED' => ['START', sub {output("Unexpected text at line $_ +[0]"); $error++}], # [ the state to move to if no regexp of the current state mat +ched the line, function to call ] }

An actual machine (one of several)

#FileCreate.parser my ($sites, $files, $jobs, $site_start, $error); my $error_fun = sub {output("Error: $1\n\tat line $_[0]")}; { '!INIT' => ['START', sub {$sites = 0; $files = 0; $jobs = 0;$error + = 0;}], START => [ [ qr'^FileCreate \d+\.\d+.\d+$' => 'START'], [ qr'^---- Ticking: \d{4}/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d - \d\d:\d\d +:\d\d$' => 'START'], [ qr'^Creating files for site ' => 'FILES', sub {$sites++; $si +te_start=$_[0];}], [ qr'^Going down at ' => 'START'], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], START_EOF => sub {output("OK ($sites Sites, $files Files, $jobs Jo +bs)") unless $error}, FILES => [ [ qr'^\tCreating file ' => 'FILE', sub {$files++}], [ qr'^File generation succeeded for site ' => 'START'], [ qr'^File generation FAILED for site (.*)' => 'START', sub {o +utput("Failed for $1 at line $site_start"); $error=1}], [ qr'^Jobs for site \d+ with parameter type "\w+" are to be pr +ocessed by HTTPPost or something.' => 'FILES'], [ qr'^Site \d+ has posting parameters either only for single o +r for package jobs!!!' => 'FILES'], [ qr'^Sending delete request for job' => 'FILES', sub {$jobs++ +}], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], FILE => [ [ qr'^\t\tThere are \d+ jobs.$' => 'FILE_OPT'], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], FILE_OPT => [ [ qr'^\t\tFlat File$' => 'JOBS'], [ qr'^\t\tXML File$' => 'JOBS_XML'], [ qr'^\t\t((Comma|Tab) Delimited|Delimited by .*)$' => 'JOBS_D +ELIM'], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], JOBS_DELIM => [ [ qr'^\t\tCreating 2 delimited files: ' => 'JOBS'], [ qr'^\t\t\tJob ID:' => 'JOBS', sub {$jobs++}], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], JOBS_XML => [ [ qr'^\t\t(using DTD: .*|without DTD)' => 'JOBS'], [ qr'^\t\t\tJob ID:' => 'JOBS', sub {$jobs++}], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], JOBS => [ [ qr'^\t\t\tJob ID:' => 'JOBS', sub {$jobs++}], [ qr'^\t\tZipped' => 'JOBS_END'], [ qr'^\t\tDONE' => 'FILES'], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], JOBS_END => [ [ qr'^\t\tDONE' => 'FILES'], [ qr'^ERROR: (.*)$' => ERROR_TIME, $error_fun], ], ERROR_TIME => [ [ qr'\tat ' => 'FILES'], ], '!EOF' => sub {output("Unexpected EOF!")}, '!UNEXPECTED' => ['START', sub {output("Unexpected text at line $_ +[0]"); $error++}], }

A script I use to debug them use strict; BEGIN { # dirty hack. If I define the DEBUG as a constant, not as a variab +le the debug prints are optimized out during compilation if ($ARGV[0] =~ m{^[/-]d}) { shift(@ARGV); eval "sub DEBUG () {1}" } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m{^[/-]D}) { shift(@ARGV); eval "sub DEBUG () {2}" } else { eval "sub DEBUG () {0}" } } my $machines = readParsers('c:\dir\with\machines'); my $type = shift(@ARGV) or die "usage: parse type [files...]"; if (! @ARGV) { @ARGV = glob "logs/*.$type.log"; } foreach my $file (@ARGV) { do_file( $file, $machines->{lc $type}); } sub output {print @_,"\n"} # funcs sub readParsers { my %machines; my $dir = shift(); opendir my $DIR, $dir or die "Can't open directory $dir : $!\n"; while (defined(my $file = readdir $DIR)) { next unless $file =~ /^(.*)\.parser$/i; my $type = $1; $machines{lc $type} = do "$dir/$type.parser" or die "Failed to read the state machine $dir/$type.parser +:\n $@\n"; } return \%machines; } sub do_file { my ($file, $machine) = @_; die "Second parameter to do_file must be a state machine!\n" unless defined $machine and ref $machine eq 'HASH' and exists +$machine->{'!INIT'}; open IN, '< ' . $file or return print "Can't open $file : $!\n"; print "$file\n"; my $state_name = $machine->{'!INIT'}[0]; my $state = $machine->{$state_name}; $machine->{'!INIT'}[1]->() if (ref $machine->{'!INIT'}[1] eq 'CODE +'); my $line_no = 0; LINE: while (defined(my $line = <IN>)) { chomp($line); $line_no++; next if $line eq ''; print "\nSTATE: $state_name\nLINE: $line\n" if DEBUG; foreach my $transition (@{$state}) { print "RE: ".$transition->[0]."\n" if DEBUG > 1; next unless $line =~ $transition->[0]; $transition->[2]->($line_no, $line) if (ref $transition->[2] eq 'CODE'); $state_name = $transition->[1]; $state = $machine->{$state_name}; die qq{Unknown state "$state_name" !!!\n} unless $state; next LINE; } # no regexp matched! if (ref $machine->{'!UNEXPECTED'} and ref $machine->{'!UNEXPEC +TED'}->[1] eq 'CODE') { $machine->{'!UNEXPECTED'}->[1]->( $line_no, $line); } else { output("Unexpected input at line $line_no:\n\t$line"); } if (ref $machine->{'!UNEXPECTED'} and $machine->{'!UNEXPECTED' +}->[0]) { $state_name = $machine->{'!UNEXPECTED'}->[0]; $state = $machine->{$state_name}; } else { $state_name = $machine->{'!INIT'}[0]; $state = $machine->{$state_name}; } die qq{Unknown state "$state_name" !!!\n} unless $state; } print "STATE at EOF: $state_name\n" if DEBUG; if (exists $machine->{$state_name . "_EOF"}) { $machine->{$state_name . "_EOF"}->(); } else { if (ref $machine->{'!EOF'} and ref $machine->{'!EOF'} eq 'CODE +') { $machine->{'!EOF'}->(); } else { output("Unexpected EOF"); } } }

Please take this just as an example! Comments appreciated (though ... it does what I need so ... ;-)


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