Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, I am eternally humbled by how little I know of perl and regular expressions. How can I match variable length data between /FIRST/ .. /LAST/ (without including FIRST and LAST. Also what is the difference between ".." and "..."? I'm trying to do this:

if( @test = ($_ =~ /\d+\s/i ... /\sseconds/i) ) print "Test Data: @test\n";

__Input__ seconds links.html links, index.html index 10 seconds article1.html art1, article2.html art2, adpage 200 second +s But my output is only: __DESIRED_OUTPUT__ Test Data: index.html index 5 Test Data: links.html links, index.html index 10 Test Data: article1.html art1, article2.html art2, adpage 200 __REAL_OUTPUT___ Test Data: 0 Test Data: 0 Test Data: 0