select(my $read_out = $read_in, undef, undef, $timeout); #### select(my $read_out = $read_in, undef, undef, MINIMUM_TIMEOUT); #### #!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { # This code is from the POE::Loop::Select module and is a work-around for a # bug on Linux platforms relating to select calls with zero-second timeouts. # If select is called with a zero-second timeout and a signal manages # interrupt, the select function is restarted and will block indefinitely. my $timeout = ($^O eq 'linux') ? 0.001 : 0; eval "sub MINIMUM_TIMEOUT () { $timeout }"; # The Time::HiRes module is loaded if available as this provides greater # resolution in time-slice calculations. eval "use Time::HiRes qw( time )"; } use Carp; use Socket; use Symbol; use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.0 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); # The following subroutines return ICMP constants required for manually # constructing the ICMP echo packet. sub ICMP_ECHO () { 8 } sub ICMP_ECHOREPLY () { 0 } sub ICMP_FLAGS () { 0 } sub ICMP_PORT () { 0 } sub ICMP_STRUCT () { 'C2S3A56' } sub ICMP_SUBCODE () { 0 } sub QUEUE_EPOCH () { 0 } sub QUEUE_SESSION () { 1 } sub MAX_CONNECTIONS () { 128 } sub TIMEOUT () { 2 } my @hosts = ( '', '', '' ); # Initialise variables utilised by the time-slice execution loop mechanism my @timeout = (); my %ping = (); my ($length, $sequence, $socket); # The main loop for execution centers around the list of scheduled events # within the execution queue - As long as the execution queue is populated, # this loop will continue execution. while (scalar @hosts or scalar @timeout) { # If the number of concurrent ping sessions is less than the maximum number # of sessions allowed for exection and there are hosts still pending # connection tests, start a new ping session to test server connectivity. while (scalar @hosts and scalar keys %ping < MAX_CONNECTIONS) { # If no valid ICMP socket exists for communication, create this socket. unless (defined $socket) { my $protocol; $protocol = (getprotobyname('icmp'))[2] or croak('Cannot get ICMP protocol number by name - ', $!); $socket = Symbol::gensym; socket($socket, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, $protocol) or croak('Cannot create IMCP socket - ', $!); } # Determine an unused sequence number for the new ICMP packet - In addition # to being used for the packet sequence, this value is also used as the # unique name for the ping session. while (1) { $sequence = ($sequence + 1) & 0xFFFF; last unless exists $ping{$sequence}; } # Build the message packet without a checksum my $checksum = 0; my $msg = pack( ICMP_STRUCT, ICMP_ECHO, ICMP_SUBCODE, $checksum, $$ & 0xFFFF, $sequence, '0' x 56 ); # Calculate the message checksum and rebuild the packet with the newly # calculated message checksum. my $short = int(length($msg) / 2); $checksum += $_ for unpack "S$short", $msg; $checksum += ord(substr($msg, -1)) if length($msg) % 2; $checksum = ($checksum >> 16) + ($checksum & 0xFFFF); $checksum = ~(($checksum >> 16) + $checksum) & 0xFFFF; $msg = pack( ICMP_STRUCT, ICMP_ECHO, ICMP_SUBCODE, $checksum, $$ & 0xFFFF, $sequence, '0' x 56 ); $length = length $msg; # Now that the ICMP echo packet has been built, grab an address from the list # of hosts of which test connectivity. my $address = shift @hosts; my $netaddr = inet_aton($address); next unless defined $netaddr; my $sockaddr = pack_sockaddr_in(ICMP_PORT, $netaddr); send($socket, $msg, ICMP_FLAGS, $sockaddr) or croak('Error sending ICMP packet - ', $!); # Set a delay for the timeout period - Within a real time-sharing environment, # this would be set by insertion into a priority queue. However, it is not # felt that the size of this application warrants the implementation of such # a queue where a basic queue with all events are added in a time sequential # fashion would suffice. push @timeout, [time + TIMEOUT, $sequence]; # Create a new ping session entry in the session hash - This session entry # contains the host name being pinged and the time since epoch at which the # ping was sent. $ping{$sequence} = [$address, time]; } # Perform a select on the socket handle for the echo reply returned by the # remote host - This has the added effect of performing a sleep type function # until the next delay event is due, minimising wasted cycles. my $timeout = $timeout[0]->[QUEUE_EPOCH] - time; $timeout = MINIMUM_TIMEOUT if $timeout < MINIMUM_TIMEOUT; vec(my $read_in = '', fileno($socket), 1) = 1; select(my $read_out = $read_in, undef, undef, $timeout); if (vec($read_out, fileno($socket), 1 )) { my $now = time; # Data is waiting to be read on the socket - Read this data, decode the # sequence number and process the echo reply. recv($socket, my $data = '', 1500, ICMP_FLAGS); my @reply = unpack(ICMP_STRUCT, substr($data, -$length)); my ($type, $reply_sequence) = @reply[0, 4]; if ($type == ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { # If the returned message is indeed an echo reply and the associated sequence # is one sent previously by this application, it is taken that the host is # indeed reachable and as such, can be incorporated into the fetchmail # configuration generated. if (exists $ping{$reply_sequence}) { # The next step is to remove the ping session so that further sessions can be # created with the next iteration through this loop and remove the pending # timeout event in the event queue. my ($address, $time) = @{delete $ping{$reply_sequence}}; @timeout = grep { $_->[QUEUE_SESSION] ne $reply_sequence } @timeout; # The ping attempt was successful and should now be actioned - Remember # however, that this execution is taking place within a time-slice sharing # environment and as such care should be taken to avoid any long or blocking # processes. print STDOUT sprintf("Reply time for %s - %.3f seconds\n", $address, $now - $time); } } } # The following test removes any sessions which have passed their expiry # timeout and thus should be treated as failed connection checks. my $now = time; while (scalar @timeout and $timeout[0]->[QUEUE_EPOCH] < $now) { my $item = shift @timeout; my ($address) = @{delete $ping{$item->[QUEUE_SESSION]}}; # The ping attempt did not return any echo reply and as such considered to # have failed. print STDOUT sprintf("No reply for %s\n", $address); } } exit 0;