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by biosysadmin (Deacon)
on Feb 23, 2004 at 20:28 UTC ( [id://331198]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Tex Thompson
Description: A quick and dirty program that uses the BioPerl SeqIO modules to convert biological sequence data.

seq-convert [options] input-file options: --input <inputformat> --output <outputformat> --formats --subseq <range> --help OPTIONS --input Specifies the format of the input file. Defaults to fasta. --output Specifies the output format. Defaults to fasta. --print-formats Prints the sequence file formats available to this program. --subsequence range Selects a subsequence of the sequence contained in the input + file. Ranges should have the form x-y, where x and y are positive in +tegers. --help Prints a detailed help message. --version Prints version information.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use File::Basename;
use Pod::Usage;

# seq-convert
# Copyright 2003 Tex Thompson <>
# This is free software released under the Perl artistic license, see 
# RIT Package website at
+/ for
# more information.

$0 = basename $0;
our @valid_formats = qw( fasta genbank embl gcg swiss );
# Bioperl supports more valid file formats, but they are currently unt

my $formats = "Valid sequence file formats:\n";
map { $formats .= "\t$_\n" } @valid_formats;

# parse the command line options
my ( $input, $output, $subseq, $help, $print_formats );

GetOptions( 'input=s',  \$input,
            'output=s', \$output,
            'help',     \$help,
            'subseq=s', \$subseq,
            'formats',  \$print_formats );

if ( !$output ) { $output = 'fasta' };

# die and print some information if appropriate
if ( $print_formats ) { die $formats };
if ( $help ) { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) };
die pod2usage( -verbose => 0 ) unless @ARGV;

# if a range is provided, make sure that it is valid

if ( $subseq ) {
   validate_range( $subseq );

# create input/output objects using Bio::SeqIO

my $infile = $ARGV[0];
my ($in, $out);

eval {
   if ( $input ) {
      $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $infile, -format => $input );
   } else {
      $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $infile );

# catch exceptions from creating Bio::SeqIO input object
if ( $@ ) { print "Couldn't open file $infile\: $!\n";exit(1) };

eval {
   $out = Bio::SeqIO->new( -fh=>\*STDOUT, -format => $output );

# catch exceptions from creating Bio::SeqIO input object
if ( $@ ) { print "Error using format $output: $!\n"; exit(1) };

if ( $subseq ) {
   my ($start,$end) = split /\-/, $subseq;
   my $seqobj = $in->next_seq();
   print $seqobj->subseq( $start, $end );
} else {
   while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq() ) {

print "\n";

# Subroutines #

sub validate_range {
   my $range = shift;
   my $invalid_range = 1;

   if ( $range =~ /\d+-\d+/ ) {
      $invalid_range = 0;
   } else {
      # clean up error handling around here
      $invalid_range = 1;
      print "Bad range: $_\n";

# Usage Information #                                                 
=head1 NAME                                                           
seq-convert - Conversion of biological sequence files.


seq-convert [options] input-file                                      

   --input <inputformat>
   --output <outputformat>
   --subseq <range>

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8                                                               
=item B<  --input>                                                    

Specifies the format of the input file. Defaults to fasta.

=item B<  --output>

Specifies the output format. Defaults to fasta.

=item B<  --print-formats>

Prints the sequence file formats available to this program.
=item B<  --subsequence range>

Selects a subsequence of the sequence contained in the input file. Ran
should have the form x-y, where x and y are positive integers.

=item B<  --help>

Prints a detailed help message.

=item B<  --version>

Prints version information.


=head1 EXAMPLES                                                       

 # print a help message
 $ seq-convert --help

 # convert mySeq.fasta to a GCG formatted file
 $ seq-convert --input fasta --output gcg mySeq.fasta

 # convert the first 100 nucleotides from mySequence.genbank
 # into a fasta formatted file
 $ seq-convert --input genbank --output fasta mySequence.genbank
 $ seq-convert --input genbank mySequence.genbank

=head1 DESCRIPTION                                                    

Part of the RIT Bioinformatics Package:

This program reads a sequence from a file, converts it to another form
+at and
prints the converted file to standard output.

=head1 AUTHOR                                                         
Tex Thompson <>

=head1 LICENSE                                                        
B<seq-convert> is licensed under the GNU GPL license, available from


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