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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Very nice looking interface.

Some commentary on the logic. You really, really should use warnings and strict while your are developing anything larger than a trivial script. Don't try to clean it up afterwords, it will be twice as hard. I took your script and tweaked it to make it warnings and strict clean and found a few variable collision and scoping issues.

You really should try to separate presentation code from logic code. (When practical.) For instance; I factored out all of your calls to add messages to the notification text box to a subroutine "report()" which takes a message string and adds it to the appropriate place. It cuts down on the clutter, and makes it easier to change your message style if they are all generated from a single place in your script.

I gathered Tk widgets into a single widget hash (%tk), and all the "settings" variables into a single settings hash. (%s) This not only cut down on the globals floating around, but made it easier to use a third party module to handle the setting file saving and loading. I used YAML here. (It isn't without its warts, but it works pretty well for things like this.)

I ran your script through perltidy to clean up the formatting too. Not strictly necessary, but it helps clarify things when blocks and spacing are uniform.

I made some other stylistic tweaks too, 3 argument opens with lexical filehandles, single quotes instead of double for non-interpolated data, factoring out repeated strings into a variable, etc. Don't remember all of them.

I didn't check through all your logic in all the permutations of settings, but I didn't change them either, if they worked before they still should.

Anyway, see if this might be useful to you, or at least give you some good guidance.


UPDATE: Fixed a few errors, tweaked some things, should work under Linux too now.

#!C:\Program Files\Perl\bin\perl.exe # Created By # VERSION 1.3 use strict; use warnings; #die "This script is intended to run on a windows machine" # unless ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ); use File::Path; use File::Find; use Tk; use Tk::LabFrame; use Tk::ROText; use YAML qw(DumpFile LoadFile); my $settings_file = $0 . '.settings'; my $debug = 0; my @output; my @errors; my $output_data_file_name; my $positive_match; my %s; # settings hash. cuts down on the globals my %tk; # widget hash to hold Tk widgets make_gui(); load_settings(); MainLoop; ##########################################START GUI FUNCTION########## +################################# sub make_gui { my $last_line; $tk{mw} = MainWindow->new; # Mainwindow: size x/y, position x/y $tk{mw}->geometry('620x575+100+120'); $tk{mw}->title('svgrep 1.3'); # Logging window $tk{eventpad} = $tk{mw}->Scrolled( 'ROText', # RO = Read Only -scrollbars => 'e', # scrollbar on the right -background => 'white', -width => 83, # width/height in characters -height => 10, )->place( -x => 8, -y => 415 ); report('Event Logging will be shown here'); $tk{mw}->Label( -text => 'Simple Visual grep', -font => 'Helvetica -20', )->place( -x => 210, -y => 5 ); $tk{mw}->Label( -text => 'OR', -font => 'Helvetica -20', )->place( -x => 500, -y => 300 ); required_parameter_frame( $tk{mw} ); add_lines_frame( $tk{mw} ); advanced_options_frame( $tk{mw} ); text_block_frame( $tk{mw} ); $tk{mw}->Button( -text => 'run grep', #padx/y is to create space IN the button around the text -padx => 5, -pady => 5, -font => 'Helvetica -18', -command => sub { $tk{eventpad}->delete( '1.0', 'end' ); # create output file for the regex function my ( $sec, $min, $hour ) = localtime(time); $output_data_file_name = sprintf( "output_data_%02d-%02d-%02d.txt", $hour, $min, +$sec ); #validate numberic inputs. 0 = bad, 1 = good my $valid = 1; print("1)valid is: [$valid]\n") if $debug; #debug $valid = validate_inputs( $s{lines_above}, 'numeric' ) if $s{lines_above}; $valid = validate_inputs( $s{lines_below}, 'numeric' ) if $s{lines_below}; $valid = validate_inputs( $s{lines_below_to_skip}, 'numeri +c' ) if $s{lines_below_to_skip}; $valid = validate_inputs( $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block}, 'num +eric' ) if $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block}; print("2)valid is: [$valid]\n") if $debug; # catch bad input combinations. if ( $s{lines_above} && $s{scan_up_string} or $s{lines_below} && $s{scan_down_string} ) { $valid = 0; report( "\nYou must select either a line " . 'amount or scan to string, not both' ); } if ( ( $s{lines_above} || $s{lines_below} || $s{scan_up_string} || $s{scan_down_string} ) && ( $s{lines_below_to_skip} || $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block} || $s{scan_down_string_to_end_text_block} || $s{skip_until_string} ) ) { $valid = 0; report( "\nYou must select either add lines " . "option or text block option, not both" ); } if ( $s{lines_below_to_skip} && $s{skip_until_string} ) { $valid = 0; report( "\nYou must select either lines below to " . "skip or scan down string, not both" ); } print("3)valid is: [$valid]\n") if $debug; if ( $valid == 0 ) { print("4)valid is: [$valid]\n") if $debug; report("grep action aborted\n"); return; # exit button function, GUI thread will sta +y alive. } if ( $s{directory} && $s{search_string} ) { $s{directory} =~ s{[\\/]\s*$}{}; if ( $s{chk_button_save_search} == 1 ) { unless ( -e $settings_file ) { report("Missing search parameters file\n"); } DumpFile( $settings_file, %s ); } report( "\n - grep started for search string:[$s{search_st +ring}]" . "\n - Within directory: [$s{directory}]\n" ); regex(); $output_data_file_name = ''; @output = ''; @errors = ''; } else { report("Please enter a directory and search string"); } }, )->place( -x => 500, -y => 50 ); } sub required_parameter_frame { my $mother = shift; my $font = 'Helvetica -12'; ##################### # Primary frame # ##################### my $frame = $mother->LabFrame( -label => "Required", -width => 200, -height => 105, # Pixel -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 35 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'Enter a Target Directory', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 10 ); my $dir = $frame->Entry( -width => 30, # width is in characters, no +t pixel -textvariable => \$s{directory} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 30 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'Search String', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 50 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 30, # width is in characters, + not pixel -textvariable => \$s{search_string} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 70 ); $dir->bind( '<Double-Button-1>', sub { $s{directory} = $tk{mw}->chooseDirectory( -initialdir => $s{directory} ? $s{directory} : '.' ); } ); } sub add_lines_frame { my $mother = shift; my $font = 'Helvetica -12'; my $frame = $mother->LabFrame( -label => "Add lines to be returned", -width => 200, -height => 210, -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 165 ); $frame->Label( -text => '# of lines above search string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 10 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 6, # width is in characters, +not pixel -textvariable => \$s{lines_above} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 30 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'OR Scan up to this string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 50 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 30, # width is in characters, + not pixel -textvariable => \$s{scan_up_string} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 70 ); $frame->Label( -text => '# of lines below search string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 110 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 6, # width is in characters, + not pixel -textvariable => \$s{lines_below} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 130 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'OR scan down to this string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 7, -y => 150 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 30, # width is in characters, + not pixel -textvariable => \$s{scan_down_string} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 170 ); } sub advanced_options_frame { my $mother = shift; my $frame = $mother->LabFrame( -label => 'Advanced Options', -width => 200, -height => 105, # Pixel -font => 'Helvetica -12', )->place( -x => 250, -y => 35 ); # check buttons are set to 0 for deselect and 1 for select my $chk1 = $frame->Checkbutton( -text => 'Recursive Directory Search', -variable => \$s{chk_button_recursive} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 7 ); $chk1->deselect(); my $chk2 = $frame->Checkbutton( -text => 'Show File Name in Output', -variable => \$s{chk_button_show_file} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 28 ); $chk2->deselect(); my $chk3 = $frame->Checkbutton( -text => "Show Line Number in Output", -variable => \$s{chk_button_show_line_number} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 49 ); $chk3->deselect(); my $chk4 = $frame->Checkbutton( -text => 'Save search parameters', -variable => \$s{chk_button_save_search} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 69 ); $chk4->select(); } sub text_block_frame { my $mother = shift; my $font = 'Helvetica -12'; my $frame = $mother->LabFrame( -label => 'Define a text block to be returned (simulate AWK)' +, -width => 350, -height => 180, -font => $font, )->place( -x => 250, -y => 175 ); $frame->Label( -text => '# of lines to skip below search string to start outp +ut', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 60, -y => 30 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 6, # width is in characters, not pixel -textvariable => \$s{lines_below_to_skip} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 30 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'OR scan down to this string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 150, -y => 60 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 20, # width is in characters, not pixel -textvariable => \$s{skip_until_string} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 60 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'total # of lines to output', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 60, -y => 100 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 6, # width is in characters, not pixel -textvariable => \$s{lines_below_to_end_text_block} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 100 ); $frame->Label( -text => 'OR end text block at this string', -font => $font, )->place( -x => 150, -y => 130 ); $frame->Entry( -width => 20, # width is in characters, not pixel -textvariable => \$s{scan_down_string_to_end_text_block} )->place( -x => 7, -y => 130 ); } ##########################################END GUI FUNCTIONs########### +################################ sub regex { # parameters are now in the global settings hash %s $positive_match = 0; #will traverse all sub directories if allowed by the depth check find( \&wanted, $s{directory} ); sub wanted { my $filename = "$File::Find::name"; #Directory Depth control my $max_depth = $s{directory} =~ y[\/][]; if ( $s{chk_button_recursive} ) { $max_depth = 99; } my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[\/][]; # line_count the slashes, windows or unix style return if $depth > $max_depth; if ( -f $filename ) { my $infile; unless ( open $infile, '<', $filename ) { push @errors, "Can't open $filename : $!"; report("Can't open $filename : $!"); return; } my @data = <$infile>; #load whole file into an close $infile; for my $line_count ( 0 .. $#data ) { chomp( $data[$line_count] ); #strip end of lines and extra with space. # index function returns -1 if no match if ( index( $data[$line_count], $s{search_string} ) >= + 0 ) { $positive_match = 1; unless ( $s{lines_above} || $s{lines_below} || $s{lines_below_to_skip} || $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block} || $s{scan_down_string_to_end_text_block} || $s{scan_up_string} || $s{scan_down_string} || $s{skip_until_string} ) { send_output( $s{chk_button_show_line_number}, $s{chk_button_show_file}, $File::Find::name, $line_count, $data[$line_count] ); } #start add lines option -> if ( $s{lines_above} || $s{lines_below} || $s{scan_up_string} || $s{scan_down_string} ) { my $start_line = $line_count; $start_line -= $s{lines_above} if $s{lines_abo +ve}; $start_line = 0 if $start_line < 0; my $stop_line = $line_count; $stop_line += $s{lines_below} if $s{lines_belo +w}; $stop_line = $#data if $stop_line > $#data; if ( $s{scan_up_string} ) { my $match = ''; for my $i ( reverse 0 .. $line_count ) { if ( index( $data[$i], $s{scan_up_strin +g} ) >= 0 ) { $start_line = $i; $match = 1; last; # exit loop } } unless ($match) { report( 'Could not find scan up string +:[' . $s{scan_up_string} . "] in file:\n" . "[$filename]" ); push @errors, ( 'Could not find scan up string +: [' . $s{scan_up_string} . "] in file: $filename" ); $match = ''; $positive_match = ''; return; } } if ( $s{scan_down_string} ) { my $match = ''; for my $i ( $line_count .. $#data ) { if ( index( $data[$i], $s{scan_down_str +ing} ) >= 0 ) { $stop_line = $i; $match = 1; last; # exit loop } } unless ($match) { report( 'Could not find scan down stri +ng: [' . $s{scan_down_string} . "] in file:\n" . "[$filename]" ); push @errors, ( 'Could not find scan up string +: [' . $s{scan_down_string} . "] in file: $filename" ); $match = ''; $positive_match = ''; return; } } #send data from start line to matched line if ( $s{lines_above} || $s{scan_up_string} ) { for my $i ( $start_line .. $line_count - 1 + ) { send_output( $s{chk_button_show_line_number}, $s{chk_button_show_file}, $filename, $i, $data[$i] ); } } #send matched line out send_output( $s{chk_button_show_line_number}, $s{chk_button_show_file}, $filename, $line_count, $data[$line_count] ); #send lines after matched line down to the new stopp +ing point. if ( $s{lines_below} || $s{scan_down_string} ) { #start right after matched line for my $i ( $line_count + 1 .. $stop_line +) { send_output( $s{chk_button_show_line_number}, $s{chk_button_show_file}, $filename, $i, $data[$i] ); } } } #end add lines option <- #start textblock options-> if ( $s{lines_below_to_skip} || $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block} || $s{scan_down_string_to_end_text_block} || $s{skip_until_string} ) { #start at matched line if lines below to skip wasn't #$s{lines_below_to_skip} = 0 unless ($s{lines_below_ +to_skip}); my ( $start_line, $stop_line ); if ( $s{skip_until_string} ) { my $match = ''; for my $i ( $line_count .. $#data ) { if ( index( $data[$i], $s{skip_until_st +ring} ) >= 0 ) { $start_line = ( $i + 1 ); #start output aft +er string $match = 1; last; # exit loop } } unless ($match) { report( 'Could not find scan down stri +ng ' . 'requested in text block optio +ns:[' . $s{skip_until_string} . " ] in file:\n" . "[$filename]" ); push @errors, ( 'Could not find scan down ' . 'string int text block options +: [' . $s{skip_until_string} . "] in file: $filename" ); $match = ''; $positive_match = ''; return; } } else { $start_line = ( $line_count + $s{lines_below_to_skip} +); } if ( $s{scan_down_string_to_end_text_block} ) +{ my $match = ''; for my $i ( $start_line .. $#data - 1 ) { if ( index( $data[$i], $s{scan_down_string_to_end_tex +t_block} ) >= 0 ) { $stop_line = ( $i - 1 ); #don't grab terminat +or string. $match = 1; last; # exit loop } } unless ($match) { report( 'Could not find string to end text + block:[' . $s{scan_down_string_to_end_tex +t_block} . "] in file:\n" . "[$filename]" ); push @errors, ( 'Could not find scan down stri +ng: [' . $s{scan_down_string_to_end_tex +t_block} . "] in file: $filename" ); $match = ''; $positive_match = ''; return; } } else { $stop_line = ( $s{lines_below_to_end_text_block} + $start_line ); } for my $i ( $start_line .. $stop_line ) { send_output( $s{chk_button_show_line_number}, $s{chk_button_show_file}, $filename, $i, $data[$i] ); } } # end text block options <- return; } } } } # create output file ONLY if there is a match if ($positive_match) { open( my $outfile, '>', $output_data_file_name ) or warn $!; print $outfile join "\n", @output; close $outfile; report('Results have been found, please check output file.'); report("Created output file: $output_data_file_name."); } else { report('No results found :( '); push @errors, '[' . localtime() . ']' . "No results found in directory: [$s{directory}]"; } make_error_log(); } sub load_settings { if ( -e $settings_file ) { my %settings = LoadFile($settings_file); for my $key ( keys %settings ) { $s{$key} = delete $settings{$key}; } #notify user: report("Previous inputs have been loaded"); } } sub report { $tk{eventpad} ->insert( 'end', sprintf( "[%s] %s\n", scalar localtime(), shift + ) ); } sub make_error_log { if ( $errors[0] ) { open( my $error_log, '>', 'error log.txt' ); print $error_log join "\n", @errors; close $error_log; report("$#errors Errors have been sent to the error log file." +); } } sub send_output { my ( $show_line, $show_file_name, $file_name, $line_count, $data ) + = @_; chomp($data); #strip end of line's to avoid double spacing. if ( $show_line && $show_file_name ) { push @output, ("$file_name,$line_count,$data"); } elsif ($show_file_name) { push @output, ("$file_name,$data"); } elsif ($show_line) { push @output, ("$line_count,$data"); } else { push @output, ($data); } } sub validate_inputs { my ( $user_response, $type ) = @_; return unless defined $user_response; if ( $user_response =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ ) { return 1 if $type eq 'numeric'; # this isn't needed but made the code clearer to me when debug +ging. } else { report("Invalid entry: [$user_response]"); return "0"; } }

In reply to Re: Noob could use advice on simplification & optimization by thundergnat
in thread Noob could use advice on simplification & optimization by bgreg

Use:  <p> text here (a paragraph) </p>
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  • Are you posting in the right place? Check out Where do I post X? to know for sure.
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