Ovid has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Note: If you're unfamiliar with state machines, this article should give you the necessary background. Also, a variant of this question was cross-posted to the module authors list.

I've been doing a lot of work with FSA::Rules for my job. I've added GraphViz support to generate state machine graphs on the fly.

To do this, here's how a state is defined (see the module for a full explanation):

installed => { do => sub { shift->result($self->_is_installed) }, rules => [ fail => { "Postgres not\ninstalled" => sub {! shift->result } + }, version => { "Postgres\ninstalled" => sub { shift->result } }, ], },

Each rule now takes an optional hash reference. If supplied, the key is the "label" that appears on the line leading from state to state (take a look at the first state on the linked graph and notice the names.)

If you prefer, you can also specify the rules the old way:

rules => [ fail => sub { ! shift->result }, version => sub { shift->result } ],

The only difference is that there is no label if a graph is generated. In other words, for rules you can use a subref or a hashref. Does that sound confusing? I think it is.

Can anyone suggest a cleaner syntax for the rule labels? Having state machine graphs auto-generated is really cool, but I don't know if it's worth the expense of making things too confusing to use. Because we're struggling with the syntax, we have not yet uploaded the version with GraphViz support.

As a side note, if you would prefer a completely different syntax for the module, we're open to anything that will make it easier to use, even though it's already pretty easy.


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