This was my other "too long for OPC5" obfuscation (the other was The Best Ever).
It is a boustrophedon.
+<<'OPC 5'
"-|=I+X#.";($W,$H,$w,$h,$z,$n,$i)=(79,23,2,2,1,25,1);'esrever lave;".
0);print$c[int($0[0]*9/$n)],++$_%$W?$# : #$?W$%_$++,])n$/9*]0[0$(tni[c
"\n"}};sub f{($w/$W*($_[0]-($W-1)/2)*cos($A)+$h/$H*(($H-1)/2-$_[1])*si
($H-1)/2-$_[1])*cos($A)+$y)};exit if$e=~/q/;BEGIN{push@ARGV,split' ',$
}#)><(elihw}tnirp;"ujd:zhoCawHmn =WxAy"{("\)*|@]^[;/:%<'!_="y;/%Y$<Y%X
The README file said:
0) I shouldn't tell anything: once you've run it, what it does is obvious.
1) One hint: it has two modes, depending on its command-line parameters...
3) Try these: x .404 y -.35703 w 5 h 5 i 108 z .9 A -.3 a .3 n 100
and save the result in a file
4) Then play it with PgUp/PgDn in an advanced enough text editor.
5) It doesn't fit in any of this year's categories. :-(