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About the sections of PerlMonks

by SiteDocClan (Initiate)
on Aug 11, 2005 at 19:04 UTC ( [id://483086]=faqlist: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

About the sections of PerlMonks


About the Seekers of Perl Wisdom section  (Top)

Seekers of Perl Wisdom

Seekers of Perl Wisdom sitedoclet

About the Meditations section  (Top)


Meditations sitedoclet

About the Perl Monks Discussion section  (Top)

About the Categorized Questions and Answers section  (Top)

Categorized Questions and Answers

Categorized Questions and Answers sitedoclet

About the Tutorials section  (Top)

The Tutorials page has two layers: the "top" layer is Tutorials, which is a superdoc. It contains three components: the Tutorial Categories doclist, the Tutorials sitedoclet, and the "Add a tutorial" form. As a convenience, the "Edit" link in the top right corner of 954 actually takes you to the edit page for 510154.

SiteDocClan: because Tutorials is a doclist, with its own free-text field at the top, there is essentially no need for the Tutorials sitedoclet. It should probably be left empty. (It would be rendered below the doclist anyway.)

About the Obfuscated code section  (Top)

Writing obfuscated code is a favorite pastime of some Perl hackers. The basic principle is that the code should be as close to impossible to figure out by visual inspection as you can make it.

Closely related to obfuscated code is the game of golf: trying to solve a given programming problem in as few keystrokes as possible. The results can be, but are not necessarily, obfuscated.

Both types of "fun code" — obfu and golf — are suitable for posting in this section.

Some tips for writing/decoding obfu:

The approval/moderation process applies to nodes in this section.
You can search in this section using Super Search.

About the Perl Poetry section  (Top)

Perl Poetry

Perl Poetry sitedoclet

About the Cool Uses for Perl section  (Top)

Cool Uses for Perl

Cool Uses for Perl sitedoclet

About the Snippets Section  (Top)

Snippets was an old section intended for the posting of very small bits of code — e.g., one-liners. It was redundant with Cool Uses For Perl, and so was put out to pasture (i.e. disabled). All new code postings (other than obfu and poetry) should be done in CUFP.

About the Code Catacombs section  (Top)

Code Catacombs was an old section intended for the posting of substantial chunks of code (scripts, modules, etc.) It was superceded by Cool Uses For Perl, and subsequently put out to pasture (i.e. disabled). All new code postings (other than obfu and poetry) should be done in CUFP.

About the Reviews section  (Top)


Reviews sitedoclet

About the Perl News section  (Top)

Perl News

Perl News sitedoclet

About The Monastery Gates  (Top)

The Monastery Gates, aka The Front Page

No sitedoclet


The appearance of the Front Page is controlled (to some extent) by your User Settings and Nodelet Settings.

About the Newest Nodes view  (Top)

About the Newest Nodes view

Newest Nodes is an up-to-the-moment listing of all the nodes which were created since "the last time you checked".

Use Newest Nodes Settings for configuring your Newest Nodes, and setting/clearing your "last checked" time.

You can opt to see or not see any of the sections in Newest Nodes.
You have some control over the formatting/verbosity of the "table of contents" shown at the top of Newest Nodes.
You can opt to see or not see reaped nodes in the Newest Nodes listing.
You can have a few choices for the order in which nodes are listed in each section.

Newest Nodes links to Recently Updated Home Nodes at the bottom, for your convenience.

The Newest Nodes "Last Checked" Time

Perhaps the most important control over Newest Nodes is your "last checked" time. Whenever you click the "I've checked all of these" button on Newest Nodes, your "last checked" field is set to the time at which the Newest Nodes page was loaded — in other words, the point in time up to which you've see nodes listed.

If this field is set, Newest Nodes uses the date/time stored there as a limit for how far back to show you "new" nodes. (However, 60 days is the hard limit. If your "last checked" value is older than that, only 60 days' worth of nodes will be shown. Note also that no more than 7 days' worth of replies are ever shown, regardless of the setting of this field, due to server load considerations.)

If this field is unset (i.e., cleared), then Newest Nodes lists nodes created during the preceding 24-hour period, and gives you a selection widget to view optionally up to 14 days of recent nodes.

If you're the type who checks Newest Nodes several times throughout the day, you can click "I've checked all of these" each time, so that the subsequent render of the page only shows you what's really new. If you ever decide, "Aw, my 'last checked' time is too recent; I want to see older nodes," then you can click the "Clear my 'last checked' time" button; this clears out the date/time value stored in that field. (And of course, there is always Super Search for maximally flexible node listing.)

Clearing your "last checked" time is also useful if it is set to some time in the distant past — for example, if you're away from the Monastery for a long time. You don't need to worry about overtaxing the server in this case, however, since Newest Nodes will never show you more than 60 days' worth of nodes, regardless of how far back your "last checked" time is set.

This "last checked" value, if set, is used in a few other places in the Monastery as well:

  1. When viewing a node thread, any replies which are newer than your "last checked" time have some extra style class added, so that you can highlight them. If you would find this useful, go to your Display Settings and add some CSS along these lines:

    td.reply-new { background-color: #FC7 } td.reply-new-body { background-color: #FBB }
    Of course, you can use different colors or do whatever other styling you like to make these "new replies" stand out.

  2. When you visit Tutorials, "new" tutorials (if any) are listed at the top. "New" means posted since your "last checked" time, if set, or within 30 days, if not.

  3. Recently Updated Home Nodes also uses your "last checked" time to limit the list of "recently" updated nodes.

Back to the PerlMonks FAQ

About the Offering Plate  (Top)

Offering Plate

No sitedoclet.

About the Library  (Top)


No sitedoclet

About the Craft section  (Top)

Craft was an old section intended for the posting of substantial chunks of code (scripts, modules, etc.) It was superceded by Code Catacombs and Cool Uses For Perl, and subsequently put out to pasture (i.e. disabled). All new code postings (other than obfu and poetry) should be done in CUFP.

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