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RFC Is this readable?

by BerntB (Deacon)
on Oct 16, 2005 at 12:56 UTC ( [id://500554]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

My self confidence for writing readable documentation isn't the best. This document took longer and was more pain than I'm willing to admit. :-)

This document is maybe 75% done. I'd like to know if it is understandable? How should I reorganize it? I'm not asking for detailed criticism yet (but would appreciate it), but more high level.

If you hate the idea or my implementation, say so. Politely, please. :-)

In addition to this, there is an Introduction (I put it here: BerntB's scratchpad) and pod files documenting the method calls. You might have to read the intro to understand this.

(If anyone is curious and willing to spend time analyzing this and give feedback, I can email what I have. There is some work left for an alpha at CPAN. I'll GPL it, I think, to help get examples published.)

Oh, is Tree::Model a good name?


This is about how to write definition files (Declarations) for the Tree::Model module and gives an overview of the programming API.

Read the Introduction document before looking at this, so you understand what Tree::Model does. After this document, you should read the programming APIs and the examples. Start with the pod/documentation for and then

General advice for building models

First, do you really need this module? A XML editor or a spreadsheet is probably the right answer in 90++% of the cases this might be applied. This is optimized for quite complex data descriptions with many calculations and complex rules with many exceptions.

Be aware of that it is quite expensive to run this design program. Especially if you have a standard mod_perl environment where data is read in whenever anything will be done to them. A RPC interface would be quite easy to do but isn't implemented yet.

Define your data model in phases. Start with just the objects, some start Instances and very general inheritance (allowbelow) rules.

Generate data and experiment.

Then think a little about how to show the user interface -- even if you are going to have another program using this, you need to test graphically so check the html generators.

Think about how the additions/deletions of the structure would be managed. What are the rules and where are the data needed to decide if an addition or a deletion is allowed?

How should data be generated? Just as XML or as an object tree?

So, at this point you have played with the object structure, knows that it can be presented without too much pain and have planned the code for building the structure. You should be quite certain you haven't painted yourself into a corner that needs hard solutions to get out of.

Next is implementation. User interface, control and calculations.


Don't overuse Decorators and don't give them too much (if any) state! They are there to extract parts of very complex code and special cases that might be applicable at certain times and not others.

Excuses :-)

It is scary to let so many pages code out for public viewing, so here comes my excuses. :-)

This module was written to solve a hard modelling problem and grew organically depending on needs. I was quite surprised when I realized what I was creating and skipped my original idea in favor of making a general utility out of this.

If I redid this, I'd do an extra level of verification for XML.

I had programmed quite a bit of Perl before starting this project, but had always tried to keep it close to ``normal'' programming languages so non-Perl people at work could keep up. I have started to use more Perl idioms as time went. Also, it was a hobby so I have written parts just for fun (i.e. config files instead of just declaring data structures in files).

This should have been split into a number of modules according to functionality (object orientation, tree handling, etc). Mostly because it would be easier to understand but also because it might have been neat modules for CPAN.


These are important concepts in the Tree::Model module and how the terms are used. The order is not alphabetical, but more in increasing level of hmm.. how ``esoterical'' they are.

The idea with this module is to use XML-like hierarchies to describe data, but with objects instead of Elements. The Attributes are mapped onto variables in the objects.

The objects have code which are used to do calculations on the attribues and to verify that the model is well formed and valid. An update mechanism helps with keeping the code doing updates simple.

The end result is something that (hopefully) should be able to implement the rules for some quite complex data specifications.

Configuration files
The Tree::Model system use a top configuration file that list the remaining data files. The syntax and format is described in the Declarations part. The config files are then used to generate a .pm-file which loads all the needed Tree::Module packages.

Development phases
This is discussed in the Introduction, please read that before this.

First, the model is described with data files. Second, a Perl module file is generated from that description. And then, as the third step, test the module with e.g. test files and/or the example CGI.

To test your data, use the example CGI program and test files. The CGI use the high level API (UI-API) to build and present data models to the user.

Then you will probably modify the CGI to get better data layout (or write your own program from scratch).

API and ``UI-API''
The objects written to be used by a Tree::Model model, have an OO API for implementing the model (like finding other objects, calling their methods, adding/deleting objects, etc). See the documentation for and

The other API, called UI-API, is simpler and is used to communicate with a Tree::Model data structure. The example CGI use UI-API to implement a simple generic interface to data models.

The calls are documented in's pod. There are quite a lot of specification that can be done to help UI-API with layout and access control.

The UI-API is written to be easy to stub for RPC.

Tree::Model data is object oriented. Classes are defined in an inheritance hierarchy, then objects are created belonging to the classes and put together in a build hierarchy that is tree shaped.

An analogy is the usual inheritance/build trees in GUI programming. In GUI libs, e.g. checkbox classes inherits from a control classes which in their turn inherit from some other view class etc. When a graphical interface is built from these objects, a list of e.g. checkbox objects (not classes) are put into pane objects of a class that inherits from some window class. So you have here an inheritance and a build hierarchy. (See the Introduction. for more on this.)

Objects are mapped into Perl objects. An object is implemented as a hash and blessed into a package named as the object with a name prefix. This prefix is kept transparent to the code; there is an alternative isa() implementation.

Objects have variable declarations, like in ``normal'' OO programming. They are more formalized compared to ``normal'' Perl 5 variables and have attributes like name, default value and type. There are also quite a few attributes for presentation in a GUI to help the UI-API (e.g. flag for if the user visible and/or modifiable by a user client).

Most variable attributes can be modified during runtime, but only for an object. (See Introspection API.)

Serialization use Storable freeze/thaw. Variables of type list (i.e. array) have no tests of the items in the array, so anything that Storable understands can be put into an array element. (Don't store references to Objects, use Links.)

Instances are used to add a group of objects as a unit into a tree. There can be Links between objects and Decorators. Initial variable values can be redefined.

Only Instances can be used to start a model hierarchy.

Links are references between objects. Objects get notified also when a link is created to them -- and also when the link is removed. See the documentation/pod for

These are a variant of objects that ``hangs on'' other objects and filter their method calls. An object might have multiple Decorators in a serie. A Decorator cannot Decorate a Decorator.

See the Decorator pattern (e.g. WikiPedia or ``Design Patterns'' by Gamma et al). The functional difference is that calls to the object from the object itself are also filtered. (If that is done in the standard pattern, please correct me... :-)

Questions from Objects to User
When the ``UI-GUI'' generates data for the UI to show, it asks all objects for callback queries. A query is some help text and a list of parameters that the user should fill in. The high level API shows the available commands and lets the user asks the objects for these and have a command to answer a command. Note that this is generally only relevant for user interfacing.

Programming the High Level API (UI-API)

The calls of the UI-API are documented in the pod of, see the CGI program for examples. This is an overview.

The ``UI-API'' is used for communicating with a Tree::Model data model, probably by a program implementing a user interface.

The ``normal'' programming API is used by objects to implement the model -- do calculations and build rules/logic to implement the high level operations. The UI-API talks to that model.

Program structure

The central part of the UI-API is the Describe call which returns the Tree:Model data formatted to be shown to the user -- with information about actions on the data which might be done. The possible actions are deleting/adding an object, updating a value and answering a specific query from an object.

The program presents the data and the possible actions in a user interface and asks for a choice. The selected command is sent back to the module. After that, a new Describe call is issued and the new data is presented, ready for the next user choice.

This Describe call is expensive and is also used often -- a ``refresh'' must be done at all changes. Since the data model has code embedded, changes in one place might influence objects far away in the hierarchy (this update is expensive, too).

The point is that the program structure of a user interface is simple, really. It doesn't need to know much more than how to present the data, take the commands and send them back to the user. There are examples of all this. The complex part is how to present data in a practical way.

The problem with this simplicity of design is that modelling problems with data are hard to test from only the UI-API. At a minimum, a data dump from the ``real'' data model needs to be done and analyzed. Test files are recommended.

Object IDs and Names

When a data structure representing the data model is read with the UI-GUI, all objects have unique names and ID-strings.

Calls in the UI-GUI will use these ID strings as references to objects in the data model. The unique names are suited to showing to the user.

Create a new model

To find the possible ways to start a data model, use the command list_templates without parameters. It returns an array with hashes, where every hash represent an alternative. The hash has keys name and description.

Use the new_top command to create one of those models as a new object hierarchy. It returns the ID of the top object, which is used to generate a description. (Right now, only one is supported in memory for a system. This will probably be lifted in the future.)

To see what top-level objects that exist, use the command list_tops, no parameters.


The high level API has the commands savedata and getdata. Note that they assume that a configuration directory should have been set up with SetDataDir before calling. They store the data based on the user name and data name. (Done like this to be easy to store in a database instead.)

Get data description

To read data, use the describe command with a parameter for what ID to read from.

The returned data is a hierarchical definition of the system. Data invisible to the user isn't returned (see the noread attribute for variables).

Object descriptions are in the form of a hash. Sub-objects are in an array (order is relevant). Attribute and variable information is added. Here are also a representation for the Query interface (specific commands to objects, optionally with parameters).

See the pod/documentation for the data format.

Create a new data object

Creating an object beneath another is done in two phases in a GUI-client; first the command okbelow is given and then a list of classes for allowed objects is generated. The user choose what to try to add. Then an object (or Instance) is added below the object, using the UI-API's command addto.

The reason this is done in two phases is that it might be expensive to generate an exact list of what is allowed below another object -- and the list might change dynamically with every command.

Note that this is the only place you see Instances in the UI-GUI. They are a handy way of specifying alternative names and attributes for a group of objects. Partly, so you don't have to write code in the objects that create sub objects and partly to not have to make so many create-commands (queries) in objects.

Deleting an object

If an object is noted as being possible to delete in an object description, call delete. Note that the code might change it's mind and then you'll get an error.

Update management

After a change that might propagate to other variables, the data in the object tree is refreshed. This is an expensive operation, so it might be turned off when doing a series of changes XXXX

XXXX Turn on/off updates in UI-API.

Queries to users from object


The UI-API doesn't need to concern itself with Decorators; they are invisible and information about them is not sent back. They are added to code by using the low level API or by defining them in Instances.


This is how you implement the complexities of the model -- calculations and rules. There is no possibility of a user interface here.

All the methods discussed here are documented in the pod, unless something else is specified.

Object IDs

All objects have Ids. They might be stored in scalars and are printable.

Get an Object's Id with GetId() and retrieve an object from it's Id with GetObject(). Just store IDs as Links -- they might change!

Some methods come in both shapes (like GetSupId(), GetSupObj()) and other are less orthogonal (e.g. GetSubIDs() and GetSubObjs, but they don't exactly do the same thing) so read the specification carefully. Any future version won't remove them, but might add new.

Overriding methods

Look at the Declarations chapter to see how to write methods and how to override the already finished ones.

You'll override methods in, which is the top class for the hierarchy. (The Decorator top class dectop also inherits from top.)

You can define your own methods but the only ones that will be called are those that has been defined by the API.

Using variables

To get and set the values of variables, use GetVal() and SetVal(). Do not go to the object representation directly. (It might change in a later version, a subclass (/Decorator) might want to override the call and dependency tests might fail).

There are also constants (GetConst()) which can only be specified in the declarations. Standard, ``normal'' Perl constants can be defined in the top specification file.


Intances are declared in the configuration files, see that specification.

An Instance defines a small tree of objects that can be added as a group and can override default values for variables (and the alternatives for enums), define Links and Decorators for the objects in the tree.

Instances aren't relevant for the programming API, except that objects will have to work after being created by Instances.

Oh, OK, you could create your own Instances dynamically but it is probably better to keep your old similar, but less messy, hobby of doing your own brain surgery. :-)

sysObject, the other half of the API

There is one sysObject for a created model. It keeps track of all objects and has lots of functionality (that shouldn't be in a kitchen sink like this :-( ).

Some things are put put here to keep the top class conceptually less overflowing.

To get the sysObject, use the method GetObjectKeeper().

There is a serialization API in, see the pod documentation there, that saves everything that needs to exist between invocations. If you absolutely have to add data to the Object hash, and not store it in variables, you need to update SaveObjectParams() and RestoreObjectFromDescr() which builds the data structures that are serialized. This is not recommended; consider the ``Update refreshing'' mechanism...

Update after changes

Objects in the model are often dependent upon other objects and their variables. After an object is added/deleted or a variable is changed it might affect other objects in some other place of the tree. These dependencies might go in chains. I.e. if a change in object A influences a sum variable in object B, something in object C.

These dependencies need to be updated after changes. (The scratchvalue attribute for variables means it doesn't influence anything else; use it where relevant!)

Finding dependencies like in a spread sheet would be hard to do automatically since this is , so Tree::Model use a brute force method.

When a variable is changed or an object is added/deleted by the high level API, all objects in the model are refreshed (calling the SetValueAfterUpdate() method). All variables are monitored and if some variable is changed, the whole refresing procedure is done again(!). (This only applies to variables that haven't the attribute ``scratchvalue'' set to true.)

This means two things... update is the probably the expensive operation -- and don't indiscriminately set a variable to a random number at every update -- you will get an error!

You might want to turn off this expensive operation if you e.g. do block changes. Then you can do an update after all changes are made. Use XXXX.

Queries to users from object

This is integrated with the UI-API, read that part first.

When the model data is collected for sending to the UI-API, all objects are asked for any specific questions/commands that they want to send to the user. This is method GetCmdListForUI().

The object should send an array of CallBackQ objects. See the documentation for for that.

Answered questions will be sent back to the object by calls to XXXXX. The returned answers to the parameters will be stored XXXX. (See documentation.)

Links API

Again -- there are no references between objects. Use Links instead, as documented in

All links are named by a unique string (if you want, use '0', '1', '2', etc). This means an object can have multiple links to another object for different functions. (See the name as IP ``ports''.)

Add a link from an object to another with $o->LinkSet('Linkname', $objid_target); and get the Object ID of the target with my($id) = $o->LinkGet('link_name');.

There are API calls (NumberOfLinksToMe() and LinksToMe()) to see which objects links to an object.

If many objects links to one object, try to use different names for the links (links with the same name are stored in an array).


During runtime, information about classes are stored in a Tree::Model::SysDef object. To get the class definition for an object, call it's GetClassDefinition() method. This is not recommended.

Most parameters in the class definition are accessible with methods like is_decorator(), GetAllowedBelow() and GetVariableDecl('variable_name'). These alternative methods returns the correct value if the default class value is overridden in the object from Instantiation or programming.

To handle the variables in an object, there are two better methods in sysObject (See the documentation for allowed attributes, etc.)

 get_variable_attr($object, 'variable_name', 'attribute_name'>
 set_variable_attr($o, 'var', 'attr', $new_value>


Overriding calls

A Decorator ``hanging on'' an object can override the standard method calls to that object. (XXX Add list to documentation!!)

The method handle_msg is called in the Decorator, with the parameters:

 $decorator->handle_msg($object_to_override, $method_name, parameters ... );

Return value is a two parameter list. The first is what to do and the second is a value (if used).

If the first parameter is Tree::Model::NOOP (or undef), nothing will happen.

Note that if the Decorator calls the object it will get called itself to filter the result of its own call! To call a method without it being filtered by Decorators, use $obj-_no_decos($msg, parameters ...)>.

If a filtering Deco returns (Tree::Model::dectop::SET_RETURN_VALUE, $value), it will set the return value and the ``real'' object won't be called.

This is how a Decorator could start if it wants to replace the return value for the GetVal() method when a variable named salestax is asked for:

 CodeOverride   name=handle_msg code=<<ENDCODE
 sub {
     my($me) = shift;   # Decorator object (me!)
     my($o)  = shift;   # The object this decorator sits on.
     my($msg)= shift;   # What method was called.
     # @_ is now the parameters to the decorated object.
     return (undef, undef)  if $msg ne "GetVal" || $_[0] ne "salestax";
     # ... etc...
     if ( .. test .. ) {
         # Filter the result of the method:
         my($methodresult) = $o->_no_decos($msg, @_);
         return (Tree::Model::dectop::SET_RETURN_VALUE,
     # This will replace the return value for the method with 0.4711
     # and the method won't be called at all.
     return (Tree::Model::dectop::SET_RETURN_VALUE, 0.4711);

Multiple Decorators on an object

Multiple Decorators can hang on an object. They make up a chain of Decorators that are called in turn, longest hanging first.

If a Deco do return (Tree::Model::dectop::RETURN, $value), the remaining Decos won't get a chance to filter that call. If SET_RETURN_VALUE is used instead, any later Deco might override the behaviour.

There is also support for a series of filtering Decorators.

With a series of Decorators and if none returns Tree::Model::dectop::RETURN or Tree::Model::dectop::SET_RETURN_VALUE, then all Decorators that returned Tree::Model::dectop::FILTER_RESULT will be called like this:

 $deco->filter_result($obj_to_filter, $msg, $result_of_call, parameters);

Where $result_of_call is either the result of the call to the object's method or the result of the previous filter.

This means that one Decorator will filter the output of the previous one, etc.

A Decorator on multiple object

A Decorator can get an array with the Object IDs of those it hangs on by calling the method hangs_on().

Creating a new Decorator and adding it to an object

XXXXX Document and/or add method to create and add deco.

Deletion, especially when serializing

The method $deco-Removed_from_obj($oid_removed_from)> is called whenever a Decorator is removed from that object.

If you override, don't forget to call SUPER. By default, the implementation delete the Decorator when the last object it filter is removed. If you don't want that, just call


This describes how to write a specification for a system in Tree::Model.

Formatting the data files

Comments in the configuration files start with a '#'. Pod works too.

The format for a command line is:

  CommandName param=value param2=value2 \
     param3=value3 etc

Some commands doesn't take parameters. Case is irrelevant for commands and parameter names but not for string values.

Note the ``\'' at the end of the line to make a continuation.

If a parameter is a string with spaces, it must be quoted like &quot;this is quoted&quot;. Bare words is otherwise ok. To define an integer or a numerical value, just write it out. Boolean values are true/false (or 1 and 0). Lists are written like this:

 TestCmd param=( 1 2 3 hej svejs "foo bar"   # These are
                 frotz gazonk  ( 2 3 4)      # legal comments.
                 42 4711 )

Note that the list has a list as an element. Parentheses are used around lists and new lines in a list is legal.

(And, yes, it was a total waste of time to write a config file package when there are better alternatives out there. It was an exercise; one of the standard jobs I do in all languages and I hadn't done it in Perl yet.)

Top level specification

The top level system specification file, named by default spec.gconf, declares the system name, what packages to use and e.g. what classname path the generated code should have and which have names of all the files containing declarations.

There is (minimal) support for pod and comments are sh-like. If the data files have just a name and no path, they are assumed to be in the same directory as the top specification file.

The files are read in the listed order, so files that just adds to classes (e.g. to use specific config files that adds code) should be last.

A typical spec.gconf looks like this:

 # This defines the bla, bla, bla
 # Please note that simple pod is ignored:
 =head1 Foo
 DefineSystem   name=CW version=0.11
 files names=( topdef.gconf  adef.gconf codedef.gconf
               instdef.gconf util_foo.gconf)
 use         name="strict"
 use         name="warnings"
 usePackage  name="POSIX"             # Want POSIX::ceil().
 use         name=FOO constvalue=42   # Defines a constant

Creating a model for loading

The specification files are used to generate a .pm file which is use:d to run the modelling application.

An example is found in the first test (.t) file. If you stand in an unpacked distribution, you can generate a loadable module with this shell command:

 perl -Ilib -MTree::Model::CompileSpec -e '
   $sys = Tree::Model::CompileSpec->new("t/EX1", undef, -10);
   open(UT, ">");
   $sys->dump_spec(*UT, "A::B", "Tree::Model::top", "Tree::Model::dectop");
   close UT;'

Tree::Model must be installed before doing require &quot;;;.

To avoid name clashes, a prefix is added to the class names and a variant isa() method is supplied to make the naming transparent. The prefix is A::B in the example above. A class named Eg would be A::B::Eg. There is no hieararchical subnaming of classes (i.e. what class Eg subclasses doesn't change that it is blessed into A::B::Eg).

This was a bit of simplification, but you should not write code that depend on this class name wrangling; it might change in the future.

Hint: If you add a version number to the class prefix you can load two versions of the same system and they won't overwrite each other's packages.


Classes are defined in specification files. Here is an example of two object specifications:

 ClassDef name=XLeg  sup=PlasticMetal  longname="Series X table leg"  \
          # Declarations of variables that are inherited.
          DefVal     name=color        type=enum       inherit=true  \
                     enumvalues= ( white  black       mauve
                                   walnut dark_brown  tacky_brown
                                   cerise steelblue   pink    green)  \
                     lusermod=true     default=black
          # (Etc)
 ClassDef name=BillyLeg sup=XLeg       longname="Table leg, Billy"    \
          allowbelow= ( tablefeet  _0-1 )
          # Declarations of what groups objects of this class belongs to:
          groups names=( belowtable ofPlastic ofMetal )
          # Etc.

(The groups command is discussed with the allowbelow attribute to the ClassDef command.)

ClassDef attributes

The ClassDef command starts the declaration of a class. Most data about the class is defined there.

Obligatory. This will be used to refer to the class, so it must be unique.

This will be sent to the user for presentation in the UI-API, too. But first it checks some other alternatives than a code name:

If there are string fields fullname or name defined, they will be used instead. Otherwise, the name defined by an Instance will be used.

(The name presented to the user is in the UI-API is made unique and stored in the Object. Other objects might get it and use it to refer to that object.)

Obligatory. Name of superior class. Classes at the top of the build hierarchy declares sup=top:
 ClassDef name=FurnitureTop            sup=top       type=abstract

Decorators inherit in their own hierarchy. A Deco top class specify top=dectop. See the relevant Decorators description.

Enum, default value is obj. Possible values:
 obj      -- Can make objects from this class.
 abstract -- Not instantiable class.
 buildtop -- Objects of this class can be root of the build hierarchy.
 decorator-- Used for decorators. See that documentation.

If a class is abstract, it is just there to define methods or variables for subclasses.

A buildtop class can be used in an instance to define a start Instance, which can be used to create a definition system.

String. A description, shown to user in the default UI.

Ditto. Longer text.

Boolean. (set to strings 'true' or 'false' in configuration file.) Defaults to true.

Boolean. If this object can have links to other objects. Not implemented, but would be easy to add (all objects can be linked now).

A list, defaults to empty.

Used by the UI-API to list allowed objects below this object.

The allowbelow test is the first phase of testing if adding a class below another is allowed. The second phase is calling a method, AllowObjectBelow(), which can disallow the addition. See the pod for

Here is an overview of the syntax for allowbelow. See the pod for for more.

In the simplest form this is a list of classes, groups and Instances. An example:

 allowbelow=( BillyLeg   KalleLeg   FooLeg
              BillyWheel KalleWheel BarWheel )

Class names prefixed with '*', means objects of that class and all subclasses are accepted:

 allowbelow=( *XLeg *XWheel )

A class can define which groups it belongs to by having a line like this in it's class definition stanza:

 groups names=( mayBeRegurgitated mayBeThrown mayBeWorn )

The group names are unique strings and must not be equal to a class or Instance name. Names of groups can be given in an 'allowbelow' spec (this is the only use of group names).


Variables are declared inside an Object declaration. Examples of possible variable declarations:

 DefVal name=cost      type=int   default=0      inherit=true    \
        ShowPriority=normal       min=0
 DefVal name=weight    type=int   inherit=true                   \
        ShowPriority=( 0 low default normal)
 DefVal name=Comment   type=str   lusermod=true  inherit=true    \
        userinfo=true  description="Your own notes."             \
        scratchvalue=true   ShowPriority=("" low default normal)

DefVal's attributes

This is the variable declaration pragma in a class declaration.

Obligatory. Code (and presentation UIs) will refer to the variable with this name.

Just a description. Shown to the user in user interfaces (depending on the interface and ShowPriority for the variable).

Enum. Possible values:
 int, num  -- Numbers. 
 str       -- String.
 enum      -- One of a list of strings.
 bool      -- Can only be 'true' or 'false'.
 list      -- An array. Type is not checked for elements of the array.

Default value for variable if none has been given in Instantiation. (Overridden in a subclass that inherits this by using setDefaultValue.)

If no value is given for a bool variable, it will be false.

If set to true, this will be available in subclasses. Default is false.

You can override an inherited definition and change type, etc. But it isn't recommended of course.

If a class inherits a variable X, it can shadow it by declaring its own and override type, etc (not recommended!). If the new variable is inherited, subclasses will get the new version. If it is not inherited, subclasses will use the original variable declaration.

It is normally better to use setDefaultValue to override a superior variable declaration.

The ``ShowPriority'' is just hints to the user interface code when a variable is interesting to show. It can be low, normal or high.

If ShowPriority is a list, is should have two pairs -- a value and a priority (i.e. low, normal, high). If the variable has that value ('default' is acceptable), it will have that priority when sent to GUI next time.

The variable will not be shown to the user. (There is a small introspection api in the sysOwner object which might be used to set this dynamically for variables.)

min, max
Only allowed for variables of types int/num. Limits the allowed numerical values that the variable can contain.

Integer. Specifies maximum length in characters (only allowed for 'str' variables).

Bool. If set to true, an Instance specification using this class must give a value to this variable.

Bool. Makes updating easier when data has been changed. See XXXX.


This is a command inside an Object specification. It is used to override defaults of an inherited variable.

 setDefaultValue        name=link_aimed         value=true      inherit=true

inherit has false as default. If not changed, a subclass will get the original value for the variable.

Variable attributes that might be changed are value, lusermod, enumvalues (if type is enum) and showpriority.

In practice it has the same effect to reset the value as redeclaring the variable with the same name but with a new value.


This is a variant variable declaration. It is not inherited.

If an Object has a sum variable, all objects below in the later build (not the inheritance!) hierarchy get traversed and all values in a field is summed and stored in this variable.



To define a constant value:

 Const  name=strength_cost_perc  type=list  value=(-20 0 50 100)

Constant names live in a separate namespace (i.e. the normal GetVal() call won't get the value of a constant; you have to use GetConst(). You can't use constants with the same name as variables anyway.

Constants can't be user visible but they have the attribute inherit. And, no, you can't override them.

Defining a method

See the documentation for for what methods might be overridden. To add your own methods, just override a method named as that.

(The format for specifying long parameters are usable for other string variables.)

 CodeOverride   name=SetVal             code=<<ENDCODE
 sub {
     my($o, $n, $val, $who) = @_;
     if ($n eq "cost" && $val == 0 && $o->do_check_of_Bar($n) ) {
         my($spikes) = $o->FindDirectSubsOfClass("ChairSpikes");
         return ""
                                                 if scalar(@$spikes) > 0;
     return $o->SUPER::SetVal($n, $val, $who);
 # Just a help routine. Not that they can be added like this!
 sub do_check_of_Bar {
     my(@o, $n) = @_;
     # etc

     return 42;

Adding to Object

An Object declaration can be split into two. There is a command AddToClass  name=.. which adds definitions to a class (that has already been seen; see order of files in top specification file.) That the Ojbect has been specified in multiple bits is transparent.

This is used for having object's code in a separate file. This might make the declarations clearer. Example:

 AddToClass name=WheelGuard
 CodeOverride    name=SetValueAfterUpdate    code=<<ENDCODE
 sub {
     my($o) = @_;
     $o->SUPER::SetValueAfterUpdate();  # Any stuff superior classes need do
     $o->SetVal("armorcost", 0);        # (See WheelHub explanation)
     # Check if constant 'maxarmorweight' exists and set error message to
     # user if we are overweight.
     my($max)   = $o->GetVal("maxarmorweight");
     my($weight)= $o->GetVal("weight");
     $o->SetErrorState("Too heavy! Max $max lbs (now $weight)")
                                     if defined $max && $weight > $max;


A Instance that can be instantiated to create a new model is declared something like this:

 DefInstance type=Kitchen    name=RetroSteel      topobj=true        \
    description="Stainless steel kitchen; retro old science fiction" \
    allowbelow=( *Chairs *Tables Sinks _1-2 General KitchenUtils )
     # Override values for variables:
     SetVal name=fullname  value="Stainless Kitchen; 60's space"
     SetVal name=designer  value="ACME Design team"
     SubObj type=MetalRefrig  name=Refrig1
         SetVal name=chromed   value=true
         SetVal name=size      value=xa_large
         # (Price is automatically set from the above values.)
         SubObj type=Paint     name=Moonwalk
             SetVal name=technique  value=spraypaint
             SetVal name=price      value=2000
     SubObj type=KitchenGarbSteel name="Garbage Storage"
         # This is a link. The code looks for if a link with that
         # name exists and then ...
         MakeLink  name=GCrunch    objname=Sink
     SubObj type=SS_Sink      name=Sink
         SetVal name=garb_disp value=true
         Decorator  type=SinkFilter name=remove_X
             # This error will be set for the sink in a SSteel kitchen
             # if the rest of the code sends XXXX.
             SetVal name=SS_SinkError   value="Illegal operation on !"

As is obvious, EndInstance finish a declaration.

The SetVal Command is used to set a new default value for a variable. It can override the allowed values for enums with enumvalues and define showpriority.

SubObj defines an object hierarchically below other objects. It can have allowbelow defined.

The type attribute sets the class name of the top object in the Instance hierarchy. See the documentation for for how to write allowbelow specifications.

XXX Checka 'longname' for Instance! Is it a noop??


The highest class in the Decorator hierarchy is declared like this:

 ClassDef    name=DecoTopsy   sup=dectop     type=decorator

A ``normal'' Decorator is declared like this:

 ClassDef    name=DecoTest    sup=DecoTopsy  type=decorator

The other changes regarding Decorators are mostly what methods they inherit and override. It is described in the Programming subchapter.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: RFC Is this readable?
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Oct 16, 2005 at 13:19 UTC

    At the highest level, it would be good to follow the man page conventions for the top level headings. Most module skeleton generators like h2xs will do that for you.

    After Compline,

      OK, will rework. (This is a level below that, discussing my two APIs and concepts.)
Re: RFC Is this readable?
by zentara (Archbishop) on Oct 16, 2005 at 13:13 UTC
    Well, I think it is pretty good from a technical writing viewpoint. The English syntax is good; that is you convey your idea smoothly, without me having to reread something twice. And the punctuation looks good. So yes, it is readable.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh
      Oh, ok. Is it understandable, too? :-)
        I'm not the best to answer that. Other monks are better at classes, and I don't quite understand what problem you are trying to solve?

        I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh
Re: RFC Is this readable?
by adrianh (Chancellor) on Oct 16, 2005 at 22:55 UTC

    Random comments/advice. Hopefully vaguely constructive:

    • You don't actually say what your module does anywhere in the introduction :-)
    • Stick to something close to the POD outline structure generated by h2xs, Module::Starter and similar. In particular:
      1. The NAME section should give a one line summary of what the module does
      2. The SYNOPSIS section should give a short end-to-end code example of the module working. Use comments to explain what's happening.
      3. The DESCRIPTION should supply a brief text description of what the module does
      Basically - if I don't have a good idea of what a module does by the second paragraph of the description I usually stop reading.
    • Code beats text. Don't talk about concepts if you can demonstrate them with code. Currently you have to read about half the document before you get something close to a real-world code example.
    • Aim the main module documentation at a reader who understands the concepts involved. If you need to teach or preach move it to separate documents. It gets in the way of people trying to use the main module documentation for reference.
    • If there are modules on CPAN that do vaguely similar things (and these days when is this ever not the case :-) include a compare and contrast section. Show where your module is better and worse than the alternatives.
    • Always have a "Why" for your "What". When you're explaining what a particular piece of API does, explain why you would want it to work in that way. For example when I originally wrote the description for startup and shutdown methods in Test::Class I didn't have the DBI example. I added it later because it makes it much more obvious why using that particular feature can be a good idea.
    • Tree::Model doesn't tell me anything about what the module does apart from the fact is presumably has something to do with modelling trees?

    (and before anybody points it out - yes I should follow more of my own advice with some of my modules :-)

      Good advice, good feedback!

      If you need to teach or preach move it to separate documents.
      This was that "separate document". :-)

      If that wasn't clear, well... I said 75% done. Maybe it is 60%? :-(

      As I wrote in the document:

      Read the Introduction document before looking at this, so you understand what Tree::Model does. After this document, you should read the programming APIs and the examples. Start with the pod/documentation for and then

      And in the post, before the documentation:

      In addition to this, there is an Introduction (I put it here: BerntB's BerntB's scratchpad and pod files documenting the method calls. You might have to read the intro to understand this.

      And, yes, Tree::Model is a stupid name. :-) A better alternative would be appreciated?

      Basically - if I don't have a good idea of what a module does by the second paragraph of the description I usually stop reading.

      Very common, certainly!

      The intro at my scratch pad did that part. But people won't go there. I will rework this document so there is a short intro, then a reference to my real overview.

      You quoted Why/What -- I've heard argued that almost all documents should be written as newspaper articles. Most important things first, details next. I'll try to follow it.

      Update: On consideration, the standard pod layout you recommended do follow the "journalist structure with most important thing first.

Re: RFC Is this readable?
by skillet-thief (Friar) on Oct 16, 2005 at 15:11 UTC

    A very minor nitpick (that's about all I'm qualified for): in the section "General advice for building models", you write "A XML editor" and "A RPC interface". "An" instead of "A" would sound better.

    (I warned that this was minor ;-)

      A very minor nitpick (that's about all I'm qualified for): in the section ...
      Oh, it is not minor. What that really means was that it wasn't understandable.

      It is a quite new idea, so it is useless for me to do without a good description -- otherwise people will never find it when they need it.

      I just wish this part of finishing this module wasn't so much like a combination of pulling teeth and pulling a tractor for hundreds of meters. :-)

      Sigh, I'll have to shuffle the document parts and add a description of the system to this document, too.

      Might sound better (i catch myself doing "an xml" sometimes, too) but i believe that it is grammatically incorrect. "An" is supposed be used when the following word begins with a vowel, and "A" when the following word begins with a consonant. (There are, of course, exceptions to both because the rules are phoenetically-based.) Reference:
      # examples of correct usage: a cat a huge cat an ostrich an underarm throw a union an honest cat

        And, because of the phonetic rules, you use "an". As in "An Ecks-Em-Ell editor". It's all about vocal pronounciation. If you pronounced "XML" as "ksml", then, sure, you would use "a" - but I don't have any idea on how to form that sound, and everyone I know pronounces "XML" by saying each letter seperately, leaving us with the leading "e" sound from "X".

        As I suspected (but I just checked), the choice between "a" and "an" depends on phonetics and not on spelling as such. Acronyms that are pronounced letter by letter (like XML, not like NASA) are generally treated based on the pronunciation of the first letter. (The url you provided doesn't deal with the case of acronyms.)

        So you might as well let loose and say "an XML"... ;-)


        PS.: here they are unequivocably for saying "an", whereas here they consider "an" more readable, but admit that some purists prefer "a"...

        sub sk{ return unless $in = shift; $in =~ s!(.)$!!; print $1; sk($in)} sk("gro.alubaf@yehaf");

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