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Re^2: Apache::ASP

by ivan (Sexton)
on Sep 04, 2006 at 02:00 UTC ( [id://570988]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Apache::ASP
in thread Apache::ASP

I also found myself migrating from Apache::ASP to Mason. I must say, I'm much happier with Mason, personally. Here's a quick hack that can migrate the template format of a set of files from Apache::ASP to Mason. You still have to change any use of the Apache::ASP objects over, of course.
#!/usr/bin/perl #foreach $file ( split(/\n/, `find . -depth -print`) ) { # next unless $file =~ /(cgi|html)$/; foreach $file ( @ARGV ) { open(F,$file) or die "can't open $file for reading: $!"; @file = <F>; #print "$file ". scalar(@file). "\n"; close $file; $newline = ''; #avoid prepending extraneous newlines $all = join('',@file); $w = ''; $mode = 'html'; while ( length($all) ) { if ( $mode eq 'html' ) { if ( $all =~ /^(.+?)(<%=?.*)$/s && $1 !~ /<%/s ) { $w .= $1; $all = $2; next; } elsif ( $all =~ /^<%=(.*)$/s ) { $w .= '<%'; $all = $1; $mode = 'perlv'; #die; next; } elsif ( $all =~ /^<%(.*)$/s ) { $w .= $newline; $newline = "\n"; $all = $1; $mode = 'perlc'; #avoid newline prepend fix from borking indented first <% $w =~ s/\n\s+\z/\n/; $w .= "\n" if $w =~ /.+\z/; next; } elsif ( $all !~ /<%/s ) { $w .= $all; last; } else { warn length($all); die; } die; } elsif ( $mode eq 'perlv' ) { if ( $all =~ /^(.*?%>)(.*)$/s ) { $w .= $1; $all=$2; $mode = 'html'; next; } die "unterminated <%= ??? (in $file):"; } elsif ( $mode eq 'perlc' ) { if ( $all =~ /^([^\n]*?)%>(.*)$/s ) { $w .= "%$1\n"; $all=$2; $mode='html'; next; } if ( $all =~ /^([^\n]*)\n(.*)$/s ) { $w .= "%$1\n"; $all=$2; next; } } else { die }; } system("chmod u+w $file"); select W; $| = 1; select STDOUT; open(W,">$file") or die "can't open $file for writing: $!"; print W $w; close W; }

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