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Ordered hashes (Re: CRSC)

by tye (Sage)
on Feb 22, 2001 at 21:03 UTC ( [id://60249]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: CRSC
in thread CRSC

You could always use Tie::IxHash for this. You can also cheat and do what I find myself doing sometimes:

my @pages = ( welcome => \&page_welcome, address => \&page_address, recipients => \&page_recipients, preview => \&page_preview, done => \&page_done, ); my %pages= @pages; @pages= do { my $key= 0; grep { $key= !$key } @pages };
Since you have two hashes with shared keys, you might go a different route like:
my( @pageorder, %pages, %validators ); for( ["welcome", \&page_welcome, undef], ["address", \&page_address, \&validate_address], ["recipients", \&page_recipients, \&validate_recipients], ["preview", \&page_preview, undef], ["done", \&page_done, undef], ) { push @pageorder, $_->[0]; $pages{$_->[0]}= $_->[1]; $validators{$_->[0]}= $_->[2]; }
or perhaps:
use mapcar; my( @pageorder, %pages, %validators ); BEGIN { my( $key, $page, $valid )= mapcar {[@_]} ["welcome", \&page_welcome, undef], ["address", \&page_address, \&validate_address], ["recipients", \&page_recipients, \&validate_recipients], ["preview", \&page_preview, undef], ["done", \&page_done, undef]; @pageorder= @$keys; @pages{@$keys}= @$page; @validators{@$keys}= @$valid; }
Season to taste.

        - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")

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