hacker has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to learn more and more about how I can use HTML::Template to optimize what I've previously done "statically" with

Here's a place where I'm currently snagged:

my $snapdir = "/some/path/to/snapshots"; my @iso = ('ca', 'zh_CN', 'cs', 'da', 'en', 'fo', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'ja', 'no', 'pl', 'ru', 'es', 'th', 'tr'); my @lang = ('Catalan', 'Chinese', 'Czech', 'Danish', 'English', 'Faroese', 'French', 'German', 'Italian', 'Japanese', 'Norwegian', 'Polish', 'Russian', 'Spanish', 'Thai', 'Turk +ish'); my @languages; push @languages, { name => $lang[$_], iso => $iso[$_], file => "viewer_$iso[$_].prc", }, foreach (0..$#iso); print '<table border="1">'; print '<th>Language</th>'; print '<th>Last updated</th>'; foreach (0..$#iso) { my $string = shift; my $viewer = { name => $lang[$_], iso => $iso[$_]}; my $ppi = { name => $lang[$_], iso => $iso[$_]}; $viewer->{file} = "$root/viewer_$iso[$_].prc"; $ppi->{file} = "$root/ppi_$iso[$_].prc"; next unless stat($viewer->{file}); $viewer->{size} = (CORE::stat($viewer->{file}))[7]; $ppi->{size} = (CORE::stat($ppi->{file}))[7]; $viewer->{time} = (CORE::stat($viewer->{file}))[9]; $ppi->{time} = (CORE::stat($ppi->{file}))[9]; $languages[$_] = $viewer; my $name = sprintf("%-12s", $viewer->{'name'}); my $filedate = strftime "%D %r", localtime $viewer->{'time' +}; my $filesize = insert_commas($viewer->{'size'}); my $ppisize = insert_commas($ppi->{size}); print "<tr>"; print "<td align=\"right\">" . $cgi->a({-href=>substr("$snapdir/$viewer->{'file'}", 3 +5), -title=>"$filesize bytes"}, "$name") . "(" . $cgi->a({-href=>substr("$snapdir/$ppi->{'file'}" +, 34), -title=>"$ppisize bytes"}, "ppi") . ")" . "</td>"; print "<td>$filedate</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; print $cgi->end_div();

What is the easiest way to convert this construct into something that HTML::Template, via TMPL_LOOP, can grok?