Re: Impress Women
by koolade (Pilgrim) on Apr 13, 2001 at 18:45 UTC
I was in a long-distance relationship once, and my girlfriend would complain about how I didn't email her enough. So I put together a quick perl script that would send her a message and the output of fortune for a bit of randomization. Then I used cron to run the script every morning, so she'd get an email from me every day.
She was very pleased for the first days, until she realized that it was automated. But even after that she was pretty impressed and appreciative. A year later, we're married, and she's still getting those messages every morning.
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This sort of thing could have been very useful coupled with my script which would randomly select females from the Hope student directory and return e-mail addresses and phone numbers. I can't say I ever put it to use. It was just a natural extension to the Hope directory searching script.
vroom | Tim Vroom |
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push (@my_personal_chick_arsenal,"This node...");
Such sweet ideas actually. Too bad my g/f is a geek. That means I need to obfuscate anything I send her just to keep her amused, huh?
_14k4 - (
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Could you tell us more about how your script generated a message? That is, did the stuff other than 'fortune' change every day at random?
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Re: Impress Women
by virtualsue (Vicar) on Apr 14, 2001 at 02:08 UTC
Perl impresses men, too. I have finally converted my sh/ksh
scripting husband into a perl advocate. He was very resistant,
probably because he'd spent so many years building up a large repertoire
of sh tools, but the speed & power of perl have finally won him over. That, and
my merciless taunting. "Nyah nyah, whose scripts are so slow?
Who requires 2 dozen lines of sh where 1 in perl would do?"
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Perl is on of the few places where "Ha ha, mine is smaller" wins.
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Yeah. I use perl to be an impressive woman.
And to meet guys.
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I you are a ( rare ) geek woman, I think you can appreciate this URL :
It's a nice french site about how these girls keep their geek for them.
Bye. Learn French
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(redmist) Re: Impress Women
by redmist (Deacon) on Apr 13, 2001 at 07:11 UTC
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Re: Impress Women
by defyance (Curate) on Mar 14, 2002 at 01:25 UTC
Bringing life to an older thread. I stumbled on this some how and had to add in my $.02.. Go Here to see how I impressed a woman with Perl.. It wasn't the most inovative, or functional thing. However, she thought it was the greatest, and we Wed August 9th.
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of defyance.
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Re: Impress Women
by tinita (Parson) on Jul 08, 2008 at 18:41 UTC
i have to say as a girl it's fairly easy to impress guys by just saying you're programming; no need to demonstrate at all =)
the only ones that are not impressed are geeks themselves. | [reply] |
Re: Impress Women
by vrk (Chaplain) on Jul 08, 2008 at 19:34 UTC
Lots of marriages here! Well, we'll be getting married later this year as well, so who am I to talk...
I previously reported a similar occasion, and no less than today did I convert a couple hundred of her screenshots from BMP to JPG using Perl and ImageMagick. She was very pleased. I don't use Perl to impress women, only her.
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