Another interesting way. This will take anything in [],
and prompt for a word of that type. This eliminates the
need to hard-code adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc.
Your file can look like
The [noun] [past-tense verb] over to [proper noun]
and soon [future-tense verb] to the [place].
This allows you more flexibility in what you want them to
!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $story;
local $/ = undef; #Get everything
$story = <>;
while($story =~ /\[(.*?)\]/g) { #Find anything in []
print "Give me a $1: ";
my $val = <STDIN>; #Get a value for it
chomp $val;
$story =~ s/\[$1\]/$val/; #And sub it in
print $story;