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CPAN Mirror locator

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 09, 2001 at 03:15 UTC ( [id://87117]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

pings the list of CPAN Mirrors in MIRRORED.BY to determine the fastest/nearest mirror.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # amount of stuff to spit out while processing my $verbosity = 1; # 0-3 # microseconds for ping timeout (1_000_000 = 1 sec) # the lower TIMEOUT is, the more X's you'll see my $TIMEOUT = 500_000; # .5 seconds #my $TIMEOUT = 2_500_000; # 2.5 seconds #my $TIMEOUT = 4_000_000; # 4 seconds # number of top pings to show (and to write to CPAN::Config) my $showTop = 25; ################## # Don't Touch!!! ################## $|++; use strict; use vars qw/ $ABORT /; use Net::hostent (); use Net::Ping (); use Socket (); use CPAN (); # loads ExtUtils::MakeMaker (MM used later) # in case they don't have Time::HiRes my $Timer = 1; eval { require Time::HiRes; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ m/can't locate/i) { $Timer = getHiRes() or exit; } else { print "Unknown Error: $@\n"; exit; } } # can you tell I don't like default imports? Net::hostent->import(qw/ gethost /); Socket->import(qw/ inet_ntoa /); CPAN::Config->load(); if ($Timer == 1) { Time::HiRes->import(qw/ ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval /); } elsif ($Timer == 2) { print "\n"; print "I'll try and use another method, but it'll be\n"; print "far less inaccurate (Actually pretty useless).\n"; *ualarm = sub { $_[0] ? alarm $_[0] / 1_000_000 + 1 : alarm 0 }; *gettimeofday = sub { time }; *tv_interval = sub { (time - $_[0]->[0] + 1) / 1000 }; } else { die "Unknown Error: Timer inefficiencies\n"; } #*gethost = \&Net::hostent::gethost; # manually import gethost #*inet_ntoa = \&Socket::inet_ntoa; # manually import inet_ntoa sub trim(;$); # pass it an arg, or it operates on $_ my $MIRRORED_BY = MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where}, 'MIR +RORED.BY'); unless (-e $MIRRORED_BY) { # hmm, this shouldn't happen unless CPAN isn't installed print "Couldn't find MIRRORED.BY file!\n"; exit; } my $start = [gettimeofday()]; unless (open MIRRORS, "<$MIRRORED_BY") { print "Unable to read from $MIRRORED_BY [$!]\n"; exit; } my $mirrors = {}; my $site = 'unknown'; my $wide = 0; my $wide2 = 0; # we don't need all of the data that this loads, we really only care a +bout dst_dst # but it is a decent reference for parsing the MIRRORED.BY file while (<MIRRORS>) { next if /^$/ || /^\s+$/; # skip blank lines (found space on lin +e 199) next if /^#/ && !/dst_dst/; # skip comments that ($site = $1) && next if m/^([\w\.-]+):/; $wide = length $site if length $site > $wide; my ($k, $v) = split /=/, trim; $mirrors->{$site}->{$k} = $v; } close MIRRORS; my $default_ip = ''; # so we can catch the domains that were +n't properly resolved # this will resolve to the default domain (i.e. +m) if (my $h = gethost("")) { $default_ip = inet_ntoa($h->addr); } print 'Going to ping ', scalar keys %$mirrors, " sites\n" if $verbosit +y; # cause this can take a while.... $SIG{INT} = sub { print "\n\nCaught SIGINT\n"; $verbosity = 0; # turn off messages $ABORT++; # set ABORT flag ualarm(0); # kill any alarms $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE'; die 'Cancelled'; }; eval { pingSites($mirrors); }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ m/Cancelled/) { print "Pinging cancelled. Generating summary...\n\n"; } else { print "Unknown Error: $@\n"; } } printResults($mirrors); sub trim(;$) { local $_ = shift || $_; chomp; s/^#//o; s/^\s+//o; s/\s+$//o; s/\s+=\s+/=/o; s/"//go; return $_; } sub pingSites { my $sites = shift; my $count = 0; my $thresh = 50; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'Alarm' }; my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp'); foreach (values %$sites) { return if $ABORT; print "\n" if $verbosity && $count++ % $thresh == 0; my ($dom, $ip); $dom = $ip = $_->{ftp_dom} = getDomain($_->{dst_dst}); $wide2 = length $dom if length $dom > $wide2; eval { ualarm(500_000); # give half second to resolve domain if (my $h = gethost($dom)) { $ip = inet_ntoa($h->addr); } ualarm(0); }; if ($@) { die unless $@ =~ m/Alarm/; print 'x' if $verbosity; print "'$dom' -> dns timed out\n" if $verbosity >= 2; $_->{pingRate} = 9999.999; next; } if ($default_ip && $default_ip eq $ip) { # $dom didn't resolve properly print '=' if $verbosity; print "'$dom' -> didn't resolve properly\n" if $verbosity >= 2 +; $_->{pingRate} = 9999.999; next; } eval { ualarm($TIMEOUT); my $start = [gettimeofday()]; $p->ping($ip); $_->{pingRate} = tv_interval($start) * 1000; ualarm(0); }; if ($@) { die unless $@ =~ m/Alarm/; print 'X' if $verbosity; print "'$dom' -> ping timed out\n" if $verbosity >= 2; $_->{pingRate} = 999.999; next; } if ($verbosity) { print '.'; } } print "!\n" if $verbosity; } sub getDomain { local $_ = shift; print "clean '$_'\n" if $verbosity >= 3; $_ = (m/(([\w-]+\.)+\w\w+)/o)[0]; print "cleaned '$_'\n" if $verbosity >= 3; return $_; } { my $RAN = 0; sub printResults { return if $RAN++; my $mirrors = shift; local $; # disable warnings... my $count = 1; my @topSites; printf " %-${wide}s %8s %${wide2}s\n", 'CPAN Site', 'Time', +'FTP'; printf " %-${wide}s %8s %${wide2}s\n", '---------', '----', +'---'; foreach (sort { $mirrors->{$a}->{pingRate} <=> $mirrors->{$b}->{pi +ngRate} } keys %$mirrors) { next unless exists $mirrors->{$_}->{pingRate}; push @topSites, $mirrors->{$_}; printf "%2d %-${wide}s %8s %${wide2}s\n", $count, $_, $m +irrors->{$_}->{pingRate}, $mirrors->{$_}->{ftp_dom}; last if $count++ == $showTop; } print "\nTime Running: ", tv_interval($start), " sec\n"; undef $mirrors; promptSave(\@topSites) if @topSites; } } sub promptSave { my $topSites = shift; print "Shall I write the top $showTop to the CPAN Config? [y/N]"; if (<STDIN> =~ m/^y/i) { @{ $CPAN::Config->{urllist} } = map { $_->{dst_dst} } @$topSites; CPAN::Config->commit(); } } sub getHiRes { print "I wasn't able to load Time::HiRes. Would you like me to att +empt to\n", "download it from CPAN? [y]"; if (<STDIN> =~ m/^n/i) { return 2; } CPAN::Shell->install("Time::HiRes"); # and try one more time eval { require Time::HiRes; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ m/can't locate/i) { print "Guess I wasn't able to install Time::HiRes for you. Sor +ry\n"; return 2; } else { print "Unknow Error: $@\n"; return 0; } } # success! we installed Time::HiRes return 1; } # Documentation Follows =pod =head1 NAME - find the nearest/fastest CPAN server to local machine =head1 VERSION 1.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS perl =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Overview This script will generate a list of CPAN Mirrors that have the lowest return time of an ICMP ping. It then prompts whether or not to write that list out to CPAN::Config =head2 Options There are a couple of vars you can set at the top of the script to tweak how it runs: =over 4 =item o verbosity =over 4 How much info do you want returned (0-3) (See L<"Output">) =back =item o TIMEOUT =over 4 The length of time before giving up on a ping. Values are in microseconds (ie. 4_000_000 = 4 sec) =back =item o showTop =over 4 Number of sites to display, and, upon approval, write to CPAN::Config =back =back =head2 Output This is what you'll see from the various verbose values; (Note: These are inclusive) =over 4 =item o 0 =over 4 Nothing (isn't that nice!) =back =item o 1 =over 4 Number of sites to be pinged Symbols for each ping attempt: =over 4 =item * '.' - Successful ping =item * 'x' - DNS timeout =item * 'X' - Ping timeout =item * '=' - DNS resolve error =back And when the pinging is done you'll see '!'. =back =item o 2 =over 4 Messages stating the domain and the problem (if any) =back =item o 3 =over 4 'Before and after' parsing of domain to be pinged =back =back =head1 Prerequisites These are the files required to run this script: =over 4 =item * CPAN - comes with perl =item * Net::hostent - comes with perl =item * Net::Ping - comes with perl =item * Socket - comes with perl =item * Time::HiRes - available from CPAN =over 4 If Time::HiRes is not on your system, this script will prompt you to download and install it from CPAN =back =back =head1 TODO This could be modularized and placed into the CPAN::* namespace. We'll see how receptive the community is. =head1 BUGS I didn't try to make any, so there shouldn't be any. Although DO let me know if there are. =head1 AUTHOR(S) Scott Wessels ( =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001, Scott Wessels. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut

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