in reply to Usig file name without backslash escape

Since you're not filtering the directory read, you may be getting more than just files in your @FILES array. Also, you can use the module File::Copy to actually do the file moving for you. Given this, consider the following (untested):

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Copy; my $newDir = '/home/iphone/Maildir/new'; my $curDir = '/home/iphone/MailDir/cur'; opendir my $dir, $newDir or die $!; my @FILES = grep { !/^\./ and -f "$newDir/$_" } readdir($dir); closedir $dir; move( "$newDir/$_", "$curDir/$_" ) for @FILES;

Of course, try it on a scratch directory with sample files before using it on your emails.

Hope this helps!