use v5.12; use PPI; use Perl::Critic::Utils; use Acme::MetaSyntactic; my $meta = "Acme::MetaSyntactic"->new("haddock"); my $input = <<'CODE'; use Foo qw(imported_func); sub announce { my $val = shift @_; print "$val\n"; } my @list = qw( foo bar baz ); for my $i (0 .. $#list) { my $value = imported_func($list[$i]); announce($value) if __PACKAGE__->can("announce"); } CODE my $doc = "PPI::Document"->new(\$input); my (%names, %localsub); for my $word (@{ $doc->find("PPI::Token::Word")||[] }) { if ($word->sprevious_sibling eq "sub") { $localsub{$word}++; } } for my $word (@{ $doc->find("PPI::Token::Word")||[] }) { my $case = ($word eq uc $word) ? sub { uc $_[0] } : ($word eq lc $word) ? sub { lc $_[0] } : sub { $_[0] }; if (Perl::Critic::Utils::is_perl_builtin($word)) { next; } elsif ($word->sprevious_sibling eq "sub" and $localsub{$word}) { $word->set_content($names{$word} ||= $case->($meta->name)); } elsif (Perl::Critic::Utils::is_function_call($word) and $localsub{ +$word}) { $word->set_content($names{$word} ||= $case->($meta->name)); } } for my $word (@{ $doc->find(sub { $_[1]->isa("PPI::Token::Symbol") or +$_[1]->isa("PPI::Token::ArrayIndex") })||[] }) { next if $word->isa("PPI::Token::Magic"); my $case = ($word eq uc $word) ? sub { uc $_[0] } : ($word eq lc $word) ? sub { lc $_[0] } : sub { $_[0] }; (my $sigil = "$word") =~ s/(\w.*)$//g; my $rest = $1; if ($word->isa("PPI::Token::Symbol")) { $names{$word->symbol} ||= $case->($meta->name); $word->set_content($sigil . $names{$word->symbol}); } else { $names{"\@$rest"} ||= $case->($meta->name); $word->set_content($sigil . $names{"\@$rest"}); } } for my $qq (@{ $doc->find(sub { $_[1]->isa("PPI::Token::Quote::Double" +) or $_[1]->isa("PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate") })||[] }) { my $txt = "$qq"; if ($localsub{$qq->string}) { $txt =~ s/${\quotemeta($qq->string)}/$names{$qq->string}/eg; } else { $txt =~ s/([\$\@]\w+)/$names{$1}?substr($1,0,1).$names{$1}:$1/ +eg; } $qq->set_content($txt); } print $doc; __END__ use Foo qw(imported_func); sub cry_babies { my $numbskulls = shift @_; print "$numbskulls\n"; } my @two_timing_troglodytes = qw( foo bar baz ); for my $cheat (0 .. $#two_timing_troglodytes) { my $gyroscope = imported_func($two_timing_troglodytes[$cheat]); cry_babies($gyroscope) if __PACKAGE__->can("cry_babies"); }

(Updated to add support for tracking locally defined versus imported functions; and ->can support.)

package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name
  • Comment on Just for fun: relabel Perl variables and function names using Acme::MetaSyntactic and PPI
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Re: Just for fun: relabel Perl variables and function names using Acme::MetaSyntactic and PPI
by LanX (Saint) on May 14, 2013 at 13:35 UTC
    Can I also use PPI to auto-comment your code and get a POD like description of what it does incl. examples ? ;-)

    Cheers Rolf

    ( addicted to the Perl Programming Language)

      There is a big string called $input and the output is shown below __END__.

      If you want pod, I've now uploaded a somewhat refactored and improved version to CPAN as Acme::PPIx::MetaSyntactic.

      package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name