in reply to Re^2: is CPAN::WAIT dead?
in thread is CPAN::WAIT dead?

That's older than the shipped cpan changelog, which begins 2005, v1.8. Something don't add up if you have perl v5.36 with a 20 year old cpan.

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Re^4: is CPAN::WAIT dead?
by hv (Prior) on Feb 18, 2024 at 23:36 UTC

    v1.64 is still the latest version of the cpan script in bleadperl. However, v1.80 is the oldest version of the CPAN module in its changelog.

    This is my Ubuntu system (which is old, but not ancient):

    % cpan --version 2>&1 | grep cpan /usr/bin/cpan version 1.64 calling Getopt::Std::getopts (version 1.12 +[paranoid]), % perl -MCPAN -E 'say $CPAN::VERSION' 2.18 %