in reply to The Order of Gilded Spheres; monks could go geekier with awards

Have to agree with both Diotalevi and Coruscate on this one, but in different proportions. I'm sure it would be cool to have (although I'm not sure if I would use it), but the extra server load from the system would make the site even less responsive. I guess that's really the fundamental consideration in adding features, apart from the obvious "who's going to code and maintain this?" questions.


  • Comment on Re: The Order of Gilded Spheres; monks could go geekier with awards

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Re^2: The Order of Gilded Spheres; monks could go geekier with awards
by particle (Vicar) on Apr 28, 2003 at 13:12 UTC

    extra server load? this hasn't been designed yet, never mind coded.

    let a pmdevil code it, let gods do the cost and risk analysis, and let the community decide it's worth.

    i, for one, think it's a neat idea.

    ~Particle *accelerates*

      Excellent! I guess I'll have to eat my hat because that sounds like you're volunteering for the job, Mr. pmdevil! ;) Responsiveness of the site will have to remain one of my concerns, though.

      However, just to keep accounts straight, I never disputed the value of the idea and put my votes where my fingers were by post++. =)
