in reply to Is Perl undervalued (by some people) for similar reason(s) like GNU/Linux?

Right after clicking on your node, I clicked on Selected Best Nodes and noticed Why Perl is a Valid Choice, which seems relevant. :)

Without wanting to get involved, it seems there are four categories of language religious war:

  1. "Open Source" (Perl,Python,Ruby,...) vs "Corporate" (Java,C#,...)
  2. "Open Source" infighting: Perl vs Python vs Ruby vs PHP ... (related to BrowserUk's point about "fragmentation" in the Linux world).
  3. "Corporate" infighting (often involving lawsuits): Java vs C# ...
  4. Fighting about type systems (static,dynamic,"weak","strong"...) (e.g. Perl/Python/Ruby vs C++/Java/C#/Haskell).
and it is the first category above that most resembles your linked Maddog counter-argument blog post.

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