in reply to overwritting print in same line

I'm not entirely sure that I understand your question, but if you just want to show that the script is running without using up screen space, consider using a "spinner" which twirls in place:
use warnings; use strict; my $spin; while (1) { print substr( "-/|\\", $spin++ % 4, 1 ), "\b"; $| = 1; select undef, undef, undef, 0.05; }
I changed your "sleep .05" to "select undef, undef, undef, 0.05" because the normal Perl sleep function works in seconds, so "sleep .05" is the same as "sleep 0". See sleep for an explanation and other alternatives. I also added "$|=1" to avoid having the output getting buffered and not displaying anything for long periods of time; see $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: overwritting print in same line
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 14, 2011 at 07:22 UTC
Re^2: overwritting print in same line
by raybies (Chaplain) on Nov 14, 2011 at 13:39 UTC

    Cool spinner code. Thanks for sharing. Fun.

    Btw, The autoflush  $| = 1; can actually be put outside the while loop (above it, obviously), as it's a flag not a function in and of itself and so it doesn't require being repeatedly called for each spin segment...