This is my first try of Perl poetry type things.
This program proves that Perl is the language of the gods.
Sorry if it offends anyone, it isn't intended to
#!/universe/bin/perl -U # Maintainer : God # Revision history : None, made this while bored # Notes : could be a few bugs # : couldn't get it to work with warnings,strict or taint package Lifeform::Human; use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION/; $VERSION = 0.001; # very, very, very alpha @ISA = qw/Lifeform::base/; sub new { my $class = shift; my $person = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $person->{Location} ||= 'infinity'; unless ($person->{father}) { $person->{bastard} = 1; $person->{fath +er} = new Lifeform::base } unless ($person->{mother}) { $person->{flags} = 0xFFFFFF; $person-> +{mother} = new Lifeform::base } for (0..@{$person->{mother}->{chromosones}) { push @{$person->{chromosones}}, do_foo( $person->{mother}->{chromosones}->{$_}, $person->{father}->{chromosones}->{$_}); } bless($person, $class) if defined($person->{good}); $person->create; return $person; } sub kill { my ($person, $killer) = @_; $person->{dead} = 1; push @{$GROUND}, split(//,$person->{body}); $killer->damn( To => Hell ) if ($killer ne $TIME); } package main; use Universe; use Lifeform::Human; use vars qw/@people/; my $Universe = new Universe; my $Earth = $Universe->create(Type => 'World'); my $adam = new Lifeform::Human(Location => $Earth); my $eve = $adam->clone; $eve->alter('gender','f'); $child = new Human(father => $adam, mother => $eve); @people=($adam,$eve,$child); while ($Universe->exists and $Universe->stable) { push @people, new Human (father => $people[rand(@people)], mother => $people[rand(@people)]); $Earth->destroy(Amount => (@people/(10**20)), Part => 'random'); } undef @people; undef $Earth; undef $Universe; close; die;