in reply to In praise for a better community -- Vere papa mortuus est

Yes, I feel sad. It almost feels selfish to lament the loss of future posts, I guess the sad part is that the Monastery lost appeal to him. Hopefully momentarily, it's hard to break a habit that long formed. There was always a feeling of righteousness for not sacrificing technical excellence at the altar of political correctness. In my first question to Perlmonks, everyone was answering wrong except BrowserUK and I became hooked.

Took a long time and my own maturation and reflection and bad mistakes on my part to see all the other more temperate emulation worthy talent that exists here. You call it 'Bringing about the best in others' I think Your Mother has called it "Grace" and Corion flatly says stop cussing and keep the site family friendly. Skill and temperance can exist together, but if you HAD to pick one quality over the other (and you don't), I would pick skill! Bye BrowserUK + Good Luck!!